January 31 – February 24
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Jan Maarten Voskuil stretches his paintings into the third dimension. His crafted, partly curved wooden constructions are based on simple geometric principles: the circle, the square, and the rectangle. He stretches the frames with linen and usually paints them in monochrome colors. With a minimum of means, he manages to develop a broad spectrum with his work whereby he partly stands in the tradition of the constructive, minimal, and concrete art of the twentieth century. His work is labeled as spatial object, sculpture, autonomous design or even architecture. Over the years, his ingenious stretchers have become primarily modular constructions, which can sometimes be assembled in various ways. This makes him not only a painter but also a “builder” of paintings.
Voskuil was born in Arnhem, Netherlands in 1964. He graduated in Arts at the Rijks University of Groningen and attended the Ateliers Arnhem (post-grad) at the Art Academy of Arnhem. He is a curator and artist, represented, amongst others, by Gallery Rob de Vries and Sebastien Fath Contemporary in the Netherlands and by Bentley Gallery in the US. Voskuil’s work is in several museum collections in the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, and the U.S., and in private and corporate collections in Europe, China, Japan, Australia, and the Americas. He currently lives and works in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Bentley Gallery is excited to introduce Jan Maarten Voskuil in his first solo exhibition with the gallery. See these architectural paintings and speak with the artist in-person on Saturday, February 3, 1-3 p.m. during the opening reception.
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