by Alexander Calder was on view in April, 2019

Unique Pieces for April 2019

Alexander Calder
Flying Colors
23 x 33.25” (37.25 x 48 x 1.5″ framed)
publisher: State Street, NY
edition 88 of 100

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Energetic waves of bright primary colors unfurl across the surface, vibrant designs offset with bold black-and-white stripes that intensify the playful vivacity of the composition. As our eyes follow a long winding trail of cobalt blue, a female figure comes into focus composed of solid swaths of blue and red juxtaposed with one another. The classical beauty of the reclining figure in this lithographic print, aptly titled Flying Colors (1975), has been reimagined by the virtuoso artist in a symphony of color, a modernization of the victorious winged Nike.

This limited-edition print was designed by Alexander Calder, a name virtually synonymous with modern sculpture. Calder was the first to explore the potential of kinetic movement in the medium with his sculptures that range in scale from complex hanging mobiles to graceful freestanding works that engage and captivate viewers with their gravity-defying designs. Philadelphia-born Calder is primarily known for these sculptural works, and his monumental freestanding “stabiles,” both achieved not through extensive studies in sculpture, but a degree in engineering. Although both his father and grandfather were sculptors, Calder was encouraged to pursue more reliable economic pursuits. The arts, however, were in his DNA, and the young Calder moved to New York in the early 1920s and studied engraving and lithography at the Art Students League in New York. The artist continued to explore lithography after moving to Paris in 1926, where he first began exploring sculpture, creating the now legendary cacophony of wire and wood in the toy theater of Calder’s Circus. During this period, he also befriended many icons of the modern era, including Fernand Léger, Piet Mondrian and Joan Miró. These friendships were highly influential, pushing the young artist toward higher degrees of abstraction in his two- and three-dimensional art, for which he remains best-known today.

Braniff Airways Commission

Calder began the gouache paintings for the Flying Color series in the early 1970s, as part of a commission from George Stanley Gordon from Gordon and Shortt advertising agency to paint designs for three commercial aircraft for Braniff Airways and 50 additional gouaches, many of which would be painted on the tail section. The asymmetrical balance of these paintings is reminiscent of the delicate balance achieved in his kinetic sculptures. While the artist did not overtly adopt the theme of flight for these designs, the fluidity of line and organic forms reflect the optimism and freedom offered by airline travel. Created in the final years of Calder’s life, the bold palette and abstract composition resonate with the joyous simplicity of the artist’s modern art roots.

Calder Plane1


Calder Plane2


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Alexander Calder was born in 1898, the second child of artist parents—his father was a sculptor and his mother a painter. Because his father, Alexander Stirling Calder, received public commissions, the family traversed the country throughout Calder’s childhood. Calder was encouraged to create, and from the age of eight, he always had his own workshop wherever the family lived. For Christmas in 1909, Calder presented his parents with two of his first sculptures, a tiny dog and duck cut from a brass sheet and bent into formation. The duck is kinetic—it rocks back and forth when tapped. Even at age eleven, his facility in handling materials was apparent.

Despite his talents, Calder did not originally set out to become an artist. He instead enrolled at the Stevens Institute of Technology after high school and graduated in 1919 with an engineering degree. Calder worked for several years after graduation at various jobs, including as a hydraulics and automotive engineer, timekeeper in a logging camp, and fireman in a ship’s boiler room. While serving in the latter occupation, on a ship from New York bound for San Francisco, Calder awoke on the deck to see both a brilliant sunrise and a scintillating full moon; each was visible on opposite horizons (the ship then lay off the Guatemalan coast). The experience made a lasting impression on Calder: he would refer to it throughout his life.

Calder committed to becoming an artist shortly thereafter, and in 1923 he moved to New York and enrolled at the Art Students League. He also took a job illustrating for the National Police Gazette, which sent him to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to sketch circus scenes for two weeks in 1925. The circus became a lifelong interest of Calder’s, and after moving to Paris in 1926, he created his Cirque Calder, a complex and unique body of art. The assemblage included diminutive performers, animals, and props he had observed at the Ringling Bros. Circus. Fashioned from wire, leather, cloth, and other found materials, Cirque Calder was designed to be manipulated manually by Calder. Every piece was small enough to be packed into a large trunk, enabling the artist to carry it with him and hold performances anywhere. Its first performance was held in Paris for an audience of friends and peers, and soon Calder was presenting the circus in both Paris and New York to much success. Calder’s renderings of his circus often lasted about two hours and were quite elaborate. Indeed, the Cirque Calder predated performance art by forty years.

Calder found he enjoyed working with wire for his circus. He soon began to sculpt from this material many portraits of his friends and public figures of the day. Word traveled about the inventive artist, and in 1928 Calder was given his first solo gallery show at the Weyhe Gallery in New York. This exhibition was soon followed by others in New York, Paris, and Berlin; as a result, Calder spent much time crossing the ocean by boat. He met Louisa James (a grandniece of writer Henry James) on one of these steamer journeys and the two were married in January 1931. He also became friendly with many prominent artists and intellectuals of the early twentieth century at this time, including Joan Miró, Fernand Léger, James Johnson Sweeney, and Marcel Duchamp. In October of 1930, Calder visited the studio of Piet Mondrian in Paris and was deeply impressed by a wall of colored paper rectangles that Mondrian continually repositioned for compositional experiments. He recalled later in life that this experience “shocked” him toward total abstraction. For three weeks following this visit, he created solely abstract paintings, only to discover that he did indeed prefer sculpture to painting. Soon after, he was invited to join Abstraction-Création, an influential group of artists (including Jean Arp, Mondrian, and Jean Hélion) with whom he had become friendly.

In the fall of 1931, a significant turning point in Calder’s artistic career occurred when he created his first truly kinetic sculpture and gave form to an entirely new type of art. The first of these objects moved by systems of cranks and motors, and were dubbed “mobiles” by Marcel Duchamp—in French mobile refers to both “motion” and “motive.” Calder soon abandoned the mechanical aspects of these works when he realized he could fashion mobiles that would undulate on their own with the air’s currents. Arp, in order to differentiate Calder’s non-kinetic works from his kinetic works, named Calder’s stationary objects “stabiles.”

In 1933, Calder and Louisa left France and returned to the United States, where they purchased an old farmhouse in Roxbury, Connecticut. Calder converted an icehouse attached to the main house into a studio. Their first daughter, Sandra, was born in 1935, and a second daughter, Mary, followed in 1939. He also began his association with the Pierre Matisse Gallery in New York with his first show in 1934. James Johnson Sweeney, who had become a close friend, wrote the catalogue’s preface. Calder also constructed sets for ballets by both Martha Graham and Eric Satie during the 1930s, and continued to give Cirque Calder performances.

Calder’s earliest attempts at large, outdoor sculptures were also constructed in this decade. These predecessors of his later imposing public works were much smaller and more delicate; the first attempts made for his garden were easily bent in strong winds. And yet, they are indicative of his early intentions to work on a grand scale. In 1937, Calder created his first large bolted stabile fashioned entirely from sheet metal, which he entitled Devil Fish. Enlarged from an earlier and smaller stabile, the work was exhibited in a Pierre Matisse Gallery show, Stabiles and Mobiles. This show also included Big Bird, another large work based on a maquette. Soon after, Calder received commissions to make both Mercury Fountain for the Spanish Pavilion at the Parisian World Fair (a work that symbolized Spanish Republican resistance to fascism) and Lobster Trap and Fish Tail, a sizable mobile installed in the main stairwell of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

When the United States entered World War II, Calder applied for entry to the Marine Corps but was ultimately rejected. He continued to create: because metal was in short supply during the war years, Calder turned increasingly to wood as a sculptural medium. Working in wood resulted in yet another original form of sculpture, works called “constellations” by Sweeney and Duchamp. With their carved wood elements anchored by wire, the constellations were so-called because they suggested the cosmos, though Calder did not intend that they represent anything in particular. The Pierre Matisse Gallery held an exhibition of these works in the spring of 1943, Calder’s last solo show at that gallery. His association with Matisse ended shortly thereafter and he took up with the Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin as his New York representation.

The forties and fifties were a remarkably productive period for Calder, which was launched in 1938 with the first retrospective of his work at the George Walter Vincent Smith Gallery in Springfield, Massachusetts. A second, major retrospective was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York just a few years later, in 1943. In 1945, Calder made a series of small-scale works; in keeping with his economy, many were made from scraps of metal trimmed while making larger pieces. While visiting Calder’s studio about this time, Duchamp was intrigued by these small works. Inspired by the idea that the works could be easily dismantled, mailed to Europe, and re-assembled for an exhibition, Duchamp planned a Calder show at Galerie Louis Carré in Paris. This important show was held the following year and Jean-Paul Sartre wrote his famous essay on Calder’s mobiles for the exhibition catalogue. In 1949, Calder constructed his largest mobile to date, International Mobile, for the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Third International Exhibition of Sculpture. He designed sets for Happy as Larry, a play directed by Burgess Meredith, and for Nucléa, a dance performance directed by Jean Vilar. Galerie Maeght in Paris also held a Calder show in 1950, and subsequently became Calder’s exclusive Parisian dealer. His association with Galerie Maeght lasted twenty-six years, until his death in 1976. After his New York dealer Curt Valentin died unexpectedly in 1954, Calder selected Perls Galleries in New York as his new American dealer, and this alliance also lasted until the end of his life.

Calder concentrated his efforts primarily on large-scale commissioned works in his later years. Some of these major monumental sculpture commissions include: .125, a mobile for the New York Port Authority that was hung in Idlewild (now John F. Kennedy) Airport (1957); Spirale, for UNESCO, in Paris (1958); Teodelapio, for the city of Spoleto, Italy (1962); Trois disques(Man), for the Expo in Montreal (1967); El Sol Rojo, installed outside the Aztec Stadium for the Olympic Games in Mexico City; La Grande vitesse, the first public artwork to be funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan (1969); and Flamingo, a stable for the General Services Administration in Chicago (1973).

As the range and breadth of his various projects and commissions indicate, Calder’s artistic talents were renowned worldwide by the 1960s. A retrospective of his work opened at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 1964. Five years later, the Foundation Maeght in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, held its own Calder retrospective. In 1966, Calder, together with his son-in-law Jean Davidson, published a well-received autobiography. Additionally, both of Calder’s dealers, Galerie Maeght in Paris and Perls Galleries in New York, averaged about one Calder show each per year.

In 1976, he attended the opening of yet another retrospective of his work, Calder’s Universe, at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Just a few weeks later, Calder died at the age of seventy-eight, ending the most prolific and innovative artistic career of the twentieth century.




New York Society of Independent Artists, Waldorf-Astoria, New York. Ninth Annual Exhibition of The Society of Independent Artists. 6–29 March 1925.
Group Exhibition


Artists Gallery, New York. January 1926.
Group Exhibition

New York Society of Independent Artists, Waldorf-Astoria, New York. Tenth Annual Exhibition of The Society of Independent Artists. 5–28 March 1926.
Group Exhibition

Anderson Galleries, Whitney Studio Club, New York.Whitney Studio Club Eleventh Annual Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture by Members of the Club. 8–20 March 1926.
Group Exhibition

Anderson Galleries, New York. May 1926.
Group Exhibition


Galerie La Boétie, Paris. Salon des Humoristes. 6 March–1 May 1927.
Group Exhibition

Galleries of Jacques Seligmann and Company, Paris. August 1927.
Solo Exhibition


Salon de la Société des Artistes Indépendants, Paris. 20 January–29 February 1928.
Group Exhibition

Weyhe Gallery, New York. Wire Sculpture by Alexander Calder. 20 February–3 March 1928.
Solo Exhibition

New York Society of Independent Artists, Waldorf-Astoria, New York. Twelfth Annual Exhibition of The Society of Independent Artists. 9 March–1 April 1928.
Group Exhibition

Galleries of Jacques Seligmann and Company, Ancien Hôtel de Sagan, Paris. The Salon of American Artists. 2–13 July 1928.
Group Exhibition


Salon de la Société des Artistes Indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris. 40me Exposition Annuelle. 18 January–28 February 1929.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Billiet-Pierre Vorms, Paris. Sculptures bois et fil de fer de Alexandre Calder. 25 January–7 February 1929.
Solo Exhibition

Weyhe Gallery, New York. Wood Carvings by Alexander Calder. 4–23 February 1929.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Neumann-Nierendorf, Berlin. Alexander Calder: Skulpturen aus Holz und aus Draht. 1–15 April 1929.
Solo Exhibition

Salon des Tuileries, Paris. May 1929.
Group Exhibition

Harvard Society of Contemporary Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. An Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture by the School of New York. 17 October–1 November 1929.
Group Exhibition

Fifty-Sixth Street Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Paintings, Wood Sculpture, Toys, Wire Sculpture, Jewelry, Textiles. 2–14 December 1929.
Solo Exhibition


Salon de la Société des Artistes Indépendants, Paris. 17 January–2 March 1930.
Group Exhibition

Harvard Society for Contemporary Art, Harvard Cooperative Building, Room 207, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Wire Sculpture by Alexander Calder. 27 January–4 February 1930. 
Solo Exhibition

Galerie G. L. Manuel Frères, Paris. 11e Salon de l’Araignée. May 1930.
Group Exhibition

Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles, Paris. Association Artistique les Surindépendants. 25 October–24 November 1930.
Group Exhibition

The Mansard Gallery, London. November 1930.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Painting and Sculpture by Living Americans. 2 December 1930–20 January 1931.
Group Exhibition


Galerie Percier, Paris. Alexandre Calder: Volumes–Vecteurs–Densités / Dessins–Portraits. 27 April–9 May 1931.
Solo Exhibition

Künstlerhaus, Berlin. July 1931.
Group Exhibition

Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles, Paris. Association Artistique les Surindépendants. 23 October–22 November 1931.
Group Exhibition


Miejskie Muzeum Historji i Sztuki (Muzeum Sztuki w Lodzi), Lodz, Poland. Miedzynarodowa Kolekcja Sztuki Nowoczesnej/Collection Internationale d’Art Nouveau. 1932.
Group Exhibition

Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles, Paris. “1940.”  15 January–1 February 1932.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Vignon, Paris. Exposition de dessins. 15–28 January 1932.
Group Exhibition

The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. The Fifth Annual Exhibition of Modern French Painting. 7–21 February 1932.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Vignon, Paris. Calder: ses mobiles. 12–29 February 1932.
Solo Exhibition

Julien Levy Gallery, New York. Calder: Mobiles / Abstract Sculptures. 12 May–11 June 1932.
Solo Exhibition

Berliner Sommerschau, Berlin. July 1932.
Group Exhibition


L’Association Artistique Abstraction-Création, Paris. Première série. 19–31 January 1933.
Group Exhibition

Sociedad de Cursos y Conferencias, Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid. February 1933.
Travel / Solo Exhibition

Amics de l’Art Nou, Galería Syra, Barcelona. 1–2 February 1933.
Travel / Solo Exhibtion

Galerie Pierre Colle, Paris. Présentation des oeuvres récentes de Calder. 16–18 May 1933.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Pierre, Paris. Arp, Calder, Miró, Pevsner, Hélion, and Seligmann. 9–24 June 1933.
Group Exhibition

Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Modern Painting and Sculpture: Alexander Calder, George L.K. Morris, Calvert Coggeshall, Alma de Gersdorff Morgan. 12–27 August 1933. 
Group Exhibition


Rockefeller Center, New York. The First Municipal Art Exhibition. 28 February–31 March 1934.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. 6–28 April 1934.
Solo Exhibition

The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. A Selection of Works by Twentieth-Century Artists. 20 June–20 August 1934.
Group Exhibition

Berkshire Playhouse, Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Twenty-Sixth Annual Stockbridge Exhibition. 8–23 September 1934.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Works of Art: Fifth Anniversary Exhibition. 20 November 1934–20 January 1935.
Group Exhibition


The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. 14–31 January 1935.
Solo Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. American Painting and Sculpture of the 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries. 29 January–19 February 1935.
Group Exhibition

The Arts Club of Chicago. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. 1–26 February 1935.
Solo Exhibition

Kunstmuseum, Luzern, Switzerland. Thèse, antithèse, synthèse. 24 February–31 March 1935.
Group Exhibition

Art Institute of Chicago. The Fourteenth International Exhibition of Water Colors, Pastels, Drawings and Monotypes. 21 March–2 June 1935.
Group Exhibition

Panorama (1935). Choreographed by Martha Graham; mobile sets designed by Calder; music by Norman Lloyd; costumes by Graham. 
Theatrical Performance

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. Abstract Art. 22 October–17 November 1935.
Group Exhibition


Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, New York. Art of Today. 3–31 January 1936.
Group Exhibition

Socrate (1936). Music by Erik Satie (1920); mobile decor by Alexander Calder; conducted by Virgil Thomson. Performed for the First Hartford Music Festival at Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut.
Theatrical Performance

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Mobiles and Objects by Alexander Calder. 10–29 February 1936.
Solo Exhibition

Paper Ball: Le Cirque des Chiffonniers (1936). Production design by Pavel Tchelitchew; costumes by Tchelitchew, Calder, Alice Halicka, and others; music by Nicholas Nabokov, George Antheil, and others.
Theatrical Performance

Gallery 41, Oxford, England. Abstract and Concrete: An Exhibition of Abstract Painting and Sculpture Today. 15–22 February 1936.
Group Exhibition

Horizons (1936). Choreographed by Martha Graham; mobile sets by Calder; music by Louis Horst. 
Theatrical Performance

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Cubism and Abstract Art. 2 March–19 April 1936.
Group Exhibition

Gallery of Living Art at Paul Reinhardt Galleries, New York. Five Contemporary American Concretionists: Biederman, Calder, Ferren, Morris, Shaw. 9–31 March 1936.
Group Exhibition

Lefevre Gallery, London. Abstract and Concrete: An Exhibition of Abstract Painting and Sculpture Today. April 1936. Originated from Gallery 41, Oxford, England.
Group Exhibition

Socrate (1936). Music by Erik Satie (1920); mobile decor by Alexander Calder; conducted by Alexander Steinert. Performed for the opening of Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center.
Theatrical Performance

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Painters and Sculptors as Illustrators. 27 April–12 September 1936.
Group Exhibition

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Sculpture by Alexander Calder. 5 May–8 June 1936.
Solo Exhibition

Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts. Art of the Machine Age. 15 May–18 October 1936.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Charles Ratton, Paris. Exposition surréaliste d’objets. 22–29 May 1936.
Group Exhibition

New Burlington Galleries, London. International Exhibition of Surrealism. 11 June–4 July 1936.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Art. Cubism and Abstract Art. 28 July–23 August 1936. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Group Exhibition

Cleveland Museum of Art. Cubism and Abstract Art. 10 October–15 November 1936. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism. 7 December 1936–17 January 1937.
Group Exhibition


Antheil Gallery, Hollywood, California. 1937.
Solo Exhibition

Kunsthalle Basel. Konstruktivisten. 16 January–14 February 1937.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Calder: Stabiles & Mobiles. 23 February–13 March 1937.
Solo Exhibition

Pavillon de la République Espagnole, Paris. L’Exposition Internationale. 24 May–26 November 1937.
Group Exhibition

Honolulu Academy of Arts, Hawaii. Fantastic Art: Miró and Calder. 1–15 June 1937.
Group Exhibition

London Gallery, London. Constructive Art. July 1937.
Group Exhibition

Musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris. Origines et développement de l’art international indépendant. 30 July–31 October 1937.
Group Exhibition

Artek Gallery, Helsinki. Fernand Léger / Alexander Calder. 29 November–12 December 1937.
Group Exhibition

The Mayor Gallery, London. Calder: Mobiles and Stabiles. 1–24 December 1937.
Solo Exhibition


Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Tentoonstelling Abstracte Kunst. 2–24 April 1938.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Guggenheim Jeune, London. Contemporary Sculpture: Brancusi, Laurens, Pevsner, Henry Moore, Duchamp-Villon, Hans Arp, Calder, Taeuber-Arp. 8 April–2 May 1938.
Group Exhibition

Katherine Kuh Gallery, Chicago. May 1938.
Group Exhibition

Musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris. Trois siècles d’art aux États-Unis. 24 May–31 July 1938.
Group Exhibition

George Walter Vincent Smith Gallery, Springfield, Massachusetts. Calder Mobiles. 8–27 November 1938.
Solo Exhibition

Artek Gallery, Helsinki. Alexander Calder: Jewelry. December 1938.
Solo Exhibition


São Paulo, Brazil. III Salão de Maio. 1939.
Group Exhibition

Division of Decorative Arts, Department of Fine Arts, San Francisco. Golden Gate International Exposition, Decorative Arts. 18 February–29 October 1939.
Group Exhibition

Flushing Meadows–Corona Park (Rohm and Haas, Hall of Industrial Science), New York. New York World’s Fair. 30 April–26 October 1939.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Calder Mobiles–Stabiles. 9–27 May 1939.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Art in Our Time: Tenth Anniversary Exhibition. 10 May–30 September 1939.
Group Exhibition


New York University, New York. Museum of Living Art; A. E. Gallatin Collection. 1940. 
Group Exhibition

Architectural League of New York. Versus. 5 March 1940.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Calder. 14 May–1 June 1940.
Solo Exhibition

Philadelphia Museum of Art in collaboration with Fairmount Park Art Association. Second International Exhibition of Sculpture. 18 May–1 October 1940.
Group Exhibition

Division of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Department of Fine Arts, San Francisco. Golden Gate International Exposition, Contemporary Art. 25 May–29 September 1940.
Group Exhibition

Marianne Oswald: Poetry of the Streets (1940). Selection of poetry by Jacques Prévert, Jean Cocteau, Gaston Bonheur, Jean Nohian, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Jean Lenoir, and Georges Henri Clouzat; mobile accompaniment by Calder.
Theatrical Performance

Home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace K. Harrison, Huntington, Long Island. 11–14 October 1940.
Solo Exhibition

Willard Gallery, New York. Calder Jewelry. 3–25 December 1940.
Solo Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery, New York. Exhibition of American Sculpture To-Day. 30 December 1940–18 January 1941. 
Group Exhibition


Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Massachusetts. American Plastics. 20 January–20 February 1941.
Group Exhibition

The Arts and Crafts Club of New Orleans. Alexander Calder: Mobiles / Jewelry and Fernand Léger: Gouaches / Drawings. 28 March–11 April 1941.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Recent Works. 27 May–14 June 1941.
Solo Exhibition

Design Project, Los Angeles. Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Jewelry; A Few Paintings by Paul Klee. 27 September–27 October 1941.
Group Exhibition

Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey. Twentieth-Century Sculpture and Constructions. 2–26 October 1941.
Group Exhibition

Outlines Gallery, Pittsburgh. 16 November 1941–March 1942. Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Art. Mobiles by Alexander Calder, Stabiles and Jewelry. 4–19 November 1941.
Solo Exhibition

Willard Gallery, New York. Calder Jewelry. 8–25 December 1941.
Solo Exhibition


The Arts Club of Chicago. Nine American Artists. 3–28 February 1942.
Group Exhibition

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Joan Miró–Alexander Calder. 7–28 March 1942.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. A Children’s Festival of Modern Art. 11 March–10 May 1942.
Group Exhibition

Helena Rubinstein New Art Center, New York. Masters of Abstract Art. 1 April–15 May 1942. 
Group Exhibition

Cincinnati Art Museum. Paintings by Paul Klee and Mobiles and Stabiles by Alexander Calder. 7 April–3 May 1942. Originated from the Arts Club of Chicago.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Calder: Recent Work. 19 May–12 June 1942.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Museum of Non-Objective Painting, New York. Fifth Anniversary Exhibition. 25 June–1 October 1942.
Group Exhibition

Coordinating Council of French Relief Societies, Whitelaw Reid Mansion, New York. First Papers of Surrealism. 14 October–7 November 1942.
Group Exhibition

France Forever, Washington, D.C. Calder. 14 October–1 November 1942.
Group Exhibition

The Arts Club of Chicago. Installation of Red Petals. 16 October 1942.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

The Arts Club of Chicago. Calder Drawings. 6–27 November 1942.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art. 24 November 1942–6 January 1943.
Group Exhibition

Willard Gallery, New York. Calder Drawings. 1–24 December 1942. Originated from the Arts Club of Chicago.
Solo Exhibition

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Artists for Victory: An Exhibition of Contemporary American Art. 7 December 1942–22 February 1943.
Group Exhibition


The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Arts in Therapy. 2 February–7 March 1943.
Group Exhibition

Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Calder: Constellationes. 18 May–5 June 1943.
Solo Exhibition

Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massachusetts. 17 Mobiles by Alexander Calder. 28 May–6 July 1943.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Alexander Calder: Sculptures and Constructions. 29 September 1943–16 January 1944.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Art. 23 November 1943–4 January 1944.
Group Exhibition

Art of This Century, New York. Natural, Insane, Surrealist Art. 1–31 December 1943.
Group Exhibition

The Arts Club of Chicago. Jewelry by Alexander Calder. 3–27 December 1943.
Solo Exhibition


The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Drawings. February–May 1944.
Group Exhibition

Mortimer Brandt, New York. Color and Space in Modern Art Since 1900. 19 February–18 March 1944.

Group Exhibition

France Forever, Washington, D.C. Calder: Paintings, Mobiles, Stabiles and Jewelry. 27 March–9 April 1944.
Solo Exhibition

The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. Drawings by Contemporary Artists. 20 May–19 June 1944.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Art in Progress: The Fifteenth Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art. 23 May–7 October 1944.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Hayter and Studio 17: New Directions in Gravure. 28 June–17 September 1944.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Art. Abstract and Surrealist Art in the United States. 6–24 September 1944.

Art Center Gallery, University of Indiana, Bloomington. Sculpture by Robert Laurent and Others. 4–31 October 1944.
Group Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin, New York. Recent Work by Alexander Calder. 28 November–23 December 1944.
Solo Exhibition

Julien Levy Gallery, New York. The Imagery of Chess: A Group Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Newly Designed Chessmen, Music, and Miscellany. 12 December 1944–31 January 1945.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Art. Alexander Calder: Watercolors. 28 December 1944–16 January 1945.
Solo Exhibition


Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors, and Drawings. 3 January–8 February 1945.
Group Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin, New York. Recent Work by American Sculptors. 6–24 February 1945.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. First Exhibition of the Museum Collection of Painting and Sculpture. 19 June–4 November 1945.
Group Exhibition

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California. Contemporary Sculpture. August 1945.
Group Exhibition

Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Painting and Sculpture by Outstanding Berkshire Artists. 3–31 August 1945.
Group Exhibition

Samuel M. Kootz Gallery, New York. Gay, Fantastic Gouaches by Calder. 10 September–6 October 1945.
Solo Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin, New York. Alexander Calder. 13 November–1 December 1945.
Solo Exhibition


Balloons (1946). Written by Padraic Colum; mobile set by Calder. 
Theatrical Performance

Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan. Origins of Modern Sculpture. 22 January–3 March 1946.
Group Exhibition

City Art Museum of St. Louis. Origins of Modern Sculpture. 30 March–1 May 1946. Originated from Detroit Institute of Arts.
Group Exhibition

Clay Club Gallery, New York. Benefit: Exhibition and Sale of Sculpture to Help Raise Funds for the Sculpture Center. 15 April 1946.
Group Exhibition

Art Institute of Chicago. 57th Annual American Exhibition, Water Colors and Drawings. 6 June–18 August 1946.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Jewelry Design. 18 September–17 November 1946. 
Group Exhibition

Cincinnati Modern Art Society. 4 Modern Sculptors: Brancusi, Calder, Lipchitz, Moore. 1 October–15 November 1946.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Louis Carré, Paris. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Constellations. 25 October–16 November 1946.
Solo Exhibition

Art Center Gallery, University of Indiana, Bloomington. Modern Sculpture. 12 November–10 December 1946.
Group Exhibition 


Boyd-Britton Associates, Chicago. 1947. 
Solo Exhibition

Portland Art Museum, Oregon. 7–29 January 1947.
Solo Exhibition

John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis. 9 February–16 March 1947.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Art. 17 February–16 March 1947.
Solo Exhibition

Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Connecticut. Alexander Calder. 10–28 March 1947.
Solo Exhibition

Kunsthalle, Bern, Switzerland. Calder, Léger, Bodmer, Leuppi. 4–26 May 1947.
Group Exhibition

The Stable, New Haven, Connecticut. Alexander Calder. 26 May 1947.
Solo Exhibition

Palais des Papes, Avignon. Exposition de peintures et sculptures contemporaines. 27 June–30 September 1947.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Le Surréalisme en 1947. 7 July–30 September 1947.
Group Exhibition

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Alexander Calder / Fernand Léger. 19 July–24 August 1947.
Group Exhibition

Art Center Gallery, University of Indiana, Bloomington. Sculptors’ Drawings and Small Sculptures. 17 November–25 December 1947.
Group Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin, New York. Alexander Calder. 9–27 December 1947.
Solo Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. Painting Toward Architecture. 11 December 1947–3 January 1948.
Group Exhibition


Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C. 1948.
Solo Exhibition

Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin. Painting Toward Architecture. 7 May–6 June 1948. Originated from Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Denise René, Paris. Sculptures/Peintures. 21 May–23 June 1948.
Group Exhibition

Venice. XXIV Biennale di Venezia. 6 June–30 September 1948.
Group Exhibition

California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco. Painting Toward Architecture. 1 July–1 August 1948. Originated from Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.
Group Exhibition

Ministerio da Educação e Saúde, Rio de Janeiro. Alexander Calder. September 1948.
Solo Exhibition

Museo de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil. Alexander Calder. October–November 1948. Originated from Ministerio da Educação e Saúde, Rio de Janeiro.
Solo Exhibition

Knoedler Galleries, New York. Painting Toward Architecture. 2–20 November 1948. Originated from Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.
Group Exhibition

Galerie d’Art Moderne, Basel. Calder, Picasso, Steinwender. December 1948–January 1949.
Group Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin, New York. Alexander Calder Recent Mobiles, 1948. 11 December 1948–3 January 1949.
Solo Exhibition

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. Painting Toward Architecture. 16 December 1948–15 January 1949. Originated from Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.
Group Exhibition

The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London. A Comparison of Primitive and Modern: 40,000 Years of Modern Art. 20 December 1948–29 January 1949.
Group Exhibition

Symphonic Variations (1949). Choreographed by Tatiana Leskova; mobiles by Calder; music by César Franck.
Theatrical Performance


Happy As Larry (1949). Written by Donagh MacDonagh; directed by Burgess Meredith; mobile sets by Calder.
Theatrical Performance

Palazzo Strozzi, Florence. La Collezione Guggenheim. 19 February–10 March 1949.
Group Exhibition

Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil. Figurativismo ao Abstracionismo. 8–31 March 1949.
Group Exhibition

Philadelphia Museum of Art in collaboration with Fairmount Park Art Association. Third International Exhibition of Sculpture. 15 May–11 September 1949.
Group Exhibition

Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris. 22 July–28 August 1949.
Group Exhibition

Giardino del Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, Venice, Italy. Mostra di Scultura Contemporanea: Presentata da Peggy Guggenheim. September 1949.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Art in Your Life. 5 October–4 December 1949.
Group Exhibition

Margaret Brown Gallery, Boston. Calder. 25 October–12 November 1949.
Solo Exhibition

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond. Calder and Sculpture Today. 28 October–11 December 1949.
Group Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin, New York. Calder. 30 November–17 December 1949.
Solo Exhibition

Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Formes utiles, objets de notre temps. December 1949.
Group Exhibition


Judith (1950). Performed by Martha Graham and Louisville Orchestra. Columbia Auditorium.
Theatrical Performance

Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C. 1950.
Solo Exhibition

The Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston. Painting Toward Architecture. 8 January–2 February 1950. Originated from Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Denise René, Paris. Denise René présente quelques aspect de l’art d’aujourd’hui. 13 January–1 February 1950.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Denise René, Paris. Espaces Nouveaux. 1 April–1 May 1950.
Group Exhibition

Memorial Union, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Painting Toward Architecture. 23 May–14 June 1950. Originated from Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Mobiles & Stabiles. 30 June–27 July 1950.
Solo Exhibition

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Alexander Calder. 6 October–15 November 1950. Originated from Galerie Maeght, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Blanche, Stockholm. Alexander Calder: Mobiles and Stabiles. December 1950. Originated from Galerie Maeght, Paris. 
Solo Exhibition

New Gallery, Charles Hayden Memorial Library, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Calder. 5 December 1950–14 January 1951.
Solo Exhibition

Buchholz Gallery, New York. The Heritage of Auguste Rodin, An Exhibition Assembled in Honor of the Diamond Jubilee of The Philadelphia Museum of Art. 6 December 1950–6 January 1951. 
Group Exhibition


Lefevre Gallery, London. Mobiles and Stabiles by Alexander Calder. January 1951. Originated from Galerie Maeght, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Surréalisme + Abstraction. 19 January–26 February 1951.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Abstract Painting and Sculpture in America. 23 January–25 March 1951.
Group Exhibition

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The 75th Anniversary Exhibition of Painting & Sculpture by 75 Artists Associated with the Art Students League of New York. February–April 1951.
Group Exhibition

Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C. Sculptures by Alexander Calder. 17 April–2 June 1951.
Solo Exhibition

Neue Galerie, Vienna. Alexander Calder. 10 May–15 June 1951. Originated from Galerie Maeght, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston. Calder–Miró. 14 October–4 November 1951.
Group Exhibition

Museo de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil. I Bienal do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. 20 October–December 1951.
Group Exhibition

Palais de Charlottenborg, Copenhagen. Klar Form. 8–26 December 1951.
Group Exhibition


Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, Ohio. Calder Mobiles. 15 January–5 February 1952.
Solo Exhibition 

Curt Valentin Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Gongs and Towers. 15 January–10 February 1952.
Solo Exhibition

Margaret Brown Gallery, Boston. Alexander Calder: Gongs and Towers. 10–29 March 1952.
Solo Exhibition

Nuclea (1952). Written by Henri Pichette; directed by Jean Vilar; sets and costumes designed by Calder; music by Maurice Jarre.
Theatrical Performance

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Alexander Calder: Mobiles. 6–10 May 1952. 
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany. Calder Mobile. 5–20 June 1952.
Solo Exhibition

Venice. XXVI Biennale di Venezia. 14 June–19 October 1952.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Rudolf Hoffmann, Hamburg, Germany. Alexander Calder: Mobiles–Stabiles. 28 June–15 July 1952. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Moderne Galerie Otto Stangl, Munich. Alexander Calder / Joan Miró. 18 July–28 August 1952. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Group Exhibition

Overbeckgesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany. 30 August–14 September 1952. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Württembergischer Kunstverein und der Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany. Mobiles. 25 September–15 October 1952. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Art Center Gallery, University of Indiana, Bloomington. Modern Sculpture. 10 October–6 November 1952.
Group Exhibition

Philadelphia Museum of Art and Fairmount Park Art Association. Sculpture of the Twentieth Century. 11 October–7 December 1952.
Group Exhibition

Galerie der Spiegel, Cologne. Alexander Calder–Mobile. 16 October–29 November 1952. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie la Hune, Paris. Permanence du Cirque. 18 November–9 December 1952.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Springer, Berlin. Alexander Calder: Mobile. 1 December 1952–6 January 1953. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven. In Memory of Katherine S. Dreier 1877–1952: Her Own Collection of Modern Art. 15 December 1952–1 February 1953. 
Group Exhibition


Galerie Otto Ralfs in cooperation with the Städtisches Museum, Braunschweig, Germany. Alexander Calder USA. Mobile. 22 January–18 February 1953. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

The Art Institute of Chicago. Sculpture of the Twentieth Century. 22 January–8 March 1953. Originated from the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Fairmount Park Art Association.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Unknown Political Prisoner. 28 January–8 February 1953. 
Group Exhibition

Hanna Bekker vom Rath/Frankfurter Kunstkabinett, Frankfurt am Main. Alexander Calder, Paul Fontaine, Louise Rösler. 22 February–22 March 1953. Originated from the solo exhibition at Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Group Exhibition

Tate Gallery, London. The Unknown Political Prisoner. 14 March–30 April 1953. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Group Exhibition

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Alexander Calder Mobiles. 22 March–19 April 1953.
Solo Exhibition

Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen, Germany. Alexander Calder Mobile. 22 March–19 April 1953. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Meta Mold Aluminum Company, Cedarburg, Wisconsin. An Exhibition of Contemporary Art Collected by American Business. April 1953.
Group Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris. 12 Peintres et Sculpteurs Américains Contemporains. 24 April–7 June 1953.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Sculpture of the Twentieth Century. 29 April–7 September 1953.Originated from the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Fairmount Park Art Association.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Hella Nebelung, Düsseldorf. Alexander Calder (USA) Mobile. 3–28 May 1953. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Frank Perls Gallery, Beverly Hills. Alexander Calder Mobiles. 11 May–13 June 1953. Originated from the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis.
Solo Exhibition

Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, Germany. 6–30 June 1953. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Meta Mold Aluminum Company, Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Art For Everyone. July 1953.
Group Exhibition

Studio für zeitgenössische Kunst, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany. Alexander Calder. MobilesDrahtplastiken als Mobiles. Blechplättchenspiel der Mobiles. 5–26 July 1953. Originated from Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Art. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. 4–27 September 1953. Originated from the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis.
Solo Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. Alexander Calder: Mobiles / Naum Gabo: Kinetic Constructions and Constructions in Space. 16 October–28 November 1953.
Group Exhibition

Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil. II Bienal do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. 15 December 1953–28 February 1954.
Group Exhibition

Curt Valentin Gallery, New York. Sculpture and Sculptors Drawings. 22 December 1953–24 January 1954.
Group Exhibition 


American University, Beirut. Alexander Calder. February 1954.
Solo Exhibition

Kestnergesellschaft, Hanover, Germany. Alexander Calder: Stabiles, Mobiles, Gouachen. 18 March–2 May 1954.
Solo Exhibition

The Newark Museum, New Jersey. Enjoy Modern Art I. 1 May–27 September 1954. 
Group Exhibition

Galerie des Cahiers d’Art, Paris. Gouaches récentes de Calder. 5–29 May 1954.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Rudolf Hoffmann, Hamburg, Germany. Calder. 12–30 June 1954.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Aix. Saché. Roxbury1953–54. 13 November–15 December 1954.
Solo Exhibition

Vancouver Art Gallery. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, A Selection from the Museum Collection. 16 November–12 December 1954. 
Group Exhibition

Galerie Denise René, Paris. Premier Salon de la Sculpture Abstraite. 10 December 1954–15 January 1955.
Group Exhibition


Lefevre Gallery, London. Mobiles by Calder. January 1955.
Solo Exhibition

City Art Museum of St. Louis, Missouri. A Tribute to Curt Valentin. 14 January–14 February 1955.
Group Exhibition

Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay. 25 March 1955.
Solo Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris. Modern Art in the United States. 30 March–15 May 1955.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Denise René, Paris. Le Mouvement. 6 April–15 May 1955.
Group Exhibition

Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Calder. 25 April–25 May 1955.
Solo Exhibition

Curt Valentin Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder. 17 May–4 June 1955.
Solo Exhibition

Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany. Documenta: Kunst des XX. jahrhunderts: Internationale Ausstellung. 15 July–18 September 1955.
Group Exhibition

Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela. Exposiciòn Calder. 11–25 September 1955.
Solo Exhibition

Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 9 December 1955–19 January 1956.
Solo Exhibition


Perls Galleries, New York. Calder. 6 February–10 March 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Memorial Union Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 16 February–5 March 1956. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria dell’Obelisco, Rome. Calder. 14–31 March 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Sioux City Art Center, Iowa. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 26 March–13 April 1956. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria d’Arte del Naviglio, Milan. Alexander Calder. 7–17 April 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Lucie Weill, Paris. Calder. 3–26 May 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Beloit College, Wisconsin. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 8 May–10 June 1956. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

Kunstmuseum, Basel. Sammlung Richard Doetsch-Benziger. 9 June–8 July 1956.
Group Exhibition

Circolo della Cultura e delle Arti, Trieste, Italy. Calder. 23 June–7 July 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. 28 June–31 August 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Musée Picasso, Château Grimaldi, Antibes. Gouaches–Dessins–Mobiles de Calder. 1 August–1 October 1956.
Solo Exhibition

University of Michigan Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall, Ann Arbor. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 16 September–14 October 1956. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. Jewelry and Drawings by Alexander Calder. 18 October–21 November 1956.
Solo Exhibition

Department of Fine Arts, Northern Illinois State College, DeKalb. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 29 October–19 November 1956. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

South Bend Art Association, Indiana. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 30 November–25 December 1956. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels. L’art dans les collections Universitaires Americaines. 12–30 December 1956.Group Exhibition


Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 10–30 January 1957. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

Fort Wayne Art School and Museum, Indiana. Calder Mobiles and Stabiles. 10 February–3 March 1957. Originated from the Milwaukee Art Institute, Wisconsin.
Solo Exhibition

Frank Perls Gallery, Beverly Hills. Alexander Calder. 18 February–16 March 1957.
Solo Exhibition

World House Galleries, New York. 4 Masters Exhibition: Rodin, Brancusi, Gauguin, Calder. 28 March–20 April 1957.
Group Exhibition

Kunsthalle Basel. Alexander Calder. 22 May–23 June 1957. 
Solo Exhibition

Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt. Alexander Calder. 17 July–25 August 1957. Originated from Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland.
Solo Exhibition

Uffici Palazzo dell’arte al Parco, Milan. XI Triennale di Milano. 27 July–4 November 1957.
Group Exhibition


Galerie Blanche, Stockholm. Alexander Calder: Mobiles and Stabiles. 1958.
Solo Exhibition

Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C. Contemporary American Artists Series #27: Alexander Calder. 25 January–2 March 1958.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Artek, Helsinki. Alexander Calder: Exposition. 29 January–2 June 1958. 
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder, Recent Works. 10 February–8 March 1958.
Solo Exhibition

Brussels Universal and International Exhibition, United States Pavilion. American Art: Four Exhibitions. 17 April–18 October 1958.
Group Exhibition

Brussels Universal and International Exhibition, Palais International des Beaux-Arts. 50 Ans d’Art Moderne. 17 April–19 October 1958.
Group Exhibition

The Glory Folk (1958). One of four Chamber Ballets choreographed by John Butler; set includes a stabile and mobile designed by Calder; music arranged by Lucy Brown; costumes by Geoffrey Holder.
Theatrical Performance

John F. Kennedy International Airport, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, New York. Flight (.125). August 1958.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Department of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. The 1958 Pittsburgh Bicentennial International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. 5 December 1958–8 February 1959.
Group Exhibition

UNESCO, Paris. Spirale. 23 December 1958.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony


Musée Galliéra, Paris. L’Age Mécanique. March–May 1959.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Stabiles. 6 March–13 April 1959.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie des Cahiers, Paris, and U.S. Centre Culturel American. Les Années Vingt: Les Écrivains Américains a Paris et leurs Amis. 1920–1930. 11 March–25 April 1959.
Group Exhibition

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Alexander Calder, Stabilen, Mobilen. 15 May–22 June 1959.
Solo Exhibition

Museum Fridericianum, Orangerie, Bellvueschlos, Kassel, Germany. II. documenta ’59. Kunst nach 1945: Malerei, Skulptur, Druckgrafik internationale Ausstellung. 11 July–11 October 1959.
Group Exhibition

Kunsthalle Hamburg, Germany. Calder: Stabiles 1957–59, Mobiles 1956–58. 18 July–30 August 1959. Originated from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition

American National Exhibition, Sokolniki Park, Moscow. American Painting and Sculpture 1930–1959: The Moscow Exhibition. 24 July–4 September 1959.
Group Exhibition

Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany. Alexander Calder, Stabilen, Mobilen. 13 September–25 October 1959. Originated from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition

Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. Alexander Calder: Escultura, Guache. 23 September–25 October.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Painting and Sculpture from the American National Exhibition in Moscow. 28 October–15 November 1959. Originated from American National Exhibition, Sokolniki Park, Moscow.
Group Exhibition

Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany. Alexander Calder, Stabilen, Mobilen. 7 November–13 December 1959. Originated from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition


Haus der Jugend, Wuppertal-Barmen, Germany. Alexander Calder, Stabilen, Mobilen. 10 January–21 February 1960. Originated from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The James Thrall Soby Collection. 1 February–25 February 1961.
Group Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder “1960.”  15 March–9 April 1960.
Solo Exhibition

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels. Alexander Calder. 3 April–1 May 1960. Originated from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition

Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zurich. Kinetische Kunst; Alexander Calder, Mobiles und Stabiles aus den letzten Jahren. 21 May–26 June 1960. Originated from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Solo Exhibition


Wilmington Society of Fine Arts, Delaware Art Center. Calder / Alexander Milne, Alexander Stirling, Alexander. 7 January–19 February 1961.
Group Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder / Joan Miró. 21 February–1 April 1961.
Group Exhibition

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Bewogen–Beweging. 10 March–17 April 1961.
Group Exhibition

Galeria Ambiente, São Paulo, Brazil. 9 May 1960.
Solo Exhibition

Katonah Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder. 15 October–14 November 1961.
Solo Exhibition

Lincoln Gallery, London. Alexander Calder: The Gouaches. November 1961.
Solo Exhibition

Joan Peterson Gallery, Boston. Calder. 29 November–30 December 1961.
Solo Exhibition


Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Antagonismes 2: L’Objet. 1962.
Group Exhibition

The Arts Club of Chicago. Wit and Humor. 28 February–31 March 1962.
Group Exhibition

Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock. The Works of Alexander Calder. 1 March–1 April 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: 1962. 20 March–21 April 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Seattle World’s Fair. American Sculpture Since the 1950s. April–October 1962.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Blanche, Stockholm. Mobiles. May–June 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Martha Van Rensselaer Art Gallery, Cornell University of New York, Ithaca. Works of Alexander Calder. 7 May–1 June 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria dell’Ariete, Milan. Calder gouaches. 25 May–June 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie La Hune, Paris. Michel Butor, “Cycle” sur neuf gouaches d’Alexandre Calder. 5 June 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Fifth Festival of Two Worlds, Festival Foundation, Spoleto, Italy. Sculptures in the City. 21 June–22 July 1962.
Group Exhibition

Brook Street Gallery, London. Alexander Calder: Gouaches 1948–1962. July 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Arts Council of Great Britain, Tate Gallery, London. Alexander Calder: Sculpture–Mobiles. 4 July–12 August 1962.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Modern Sculpture from the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection. 3 October 1962–6 January 1963.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Bonnier, Lausanne. Alexander Calder: Mobiles. 25 October 1962.
Solo Exhibition

The Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, and the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. American Art Since 1950. 21 November–23 December 1962. Originated from Seattle World’s Fair.
Group Exhibition

Musée de Rennes, France. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Gouaches, Tapisseries. 4 December 1962–20 January 1963.
Solo Exhibition


The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore (1963). Written by Tennessee Williams; mobile prop by Calder; directed by Herbert Machiz.
Theatrical Performance

The Art Institute of Chicago. 66th American Exhibition: Directions in Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. 11 January–10 February 1963.
Group Exhibition

Frank Perls Gallery, Beverly Hills. Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles and Gouaches. 13 March–12 April 1963.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: 1963. 19 March–27 April 1963.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Alex Vömel, Düsseldorf. Gouachen von Calder. May–June 1963.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie d’Art Moderne Marie-Suzanne Feigel, Basel. Arp/Calder/Marini. 11 May–30 September 1963.
Group Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. 11 New England Sculptors. 18 July–15 September 1963.
Group Exhibition

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Philadelphia Collects 20th Century. 3 October–17 November 1963.
Group Exhibition 

Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York. Artists and Maecenas: A Tribute to Curt Valentin. November–December 1963.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Françoise Mayer, Brussels. 18 November 1963.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Alexander Calder: Stabiles. 22 November 1963.
Solo Exhibition

La Provocation (1963). Choreographed by Pierre Halet; sets and costumes designed by Calder; music by Jean Ferrat; produced by Gabriel Monnet.
Theatrical Performance


Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington, D.C. Treasures of 20th Century Art from The Maremont Collection. 1 April–3 May 1964.
Group Exhibition

Galleria del Naviglio, Milan. Alexander Calder: Gouaches 1963–1964. 25 May–5 June 1964.
Solo Exhibition

Alte Galerie, Kassel, Germany. Documenta III: Malerei und Skulptur. 27 June–5 October 1964.
Group Exhibition

Galleria Cavallino, Venice. Alexander Calder: Gouaches 1963–64. 13–31 July 1964. Originated from the Galleria del Naviglio, Milan.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder: Circus Ink Drawings 1931–1932. 13 October–14 November 1964.
Solo Exhibition

Grosvenor Gallery, London. Miró: Graphics, Calder: Mobiles, Ch’i Pai-shih: Paintings. 28 October–20 November 1964.
Group Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Alexander Calder: A Retrospective Exhibition. 6 November 1964–31 January 1965.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Alexander Calder: Circus Drawings, Wire Sculpture and Toys. 24 November–13 December 1964.
Solo Exhibition

Tate Gallery, London. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection. 31 December 1964–7 February 1965.
Group Exhibition


Makler Gallery, Philadelphia. January 1965.
Solo Exhibition

Eppur Si Muove (1965). Choreographed by Joseph Lazzini; sets designed by Calder; music by Francis Miroglio.
Theatrical Performance

Washington University Art Gallery, St. Louis. Alexander Calder: A Retrospective Exhibition. 21 February–26 March 1965. Originated from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin. Alexander Calder: A Retrospective Exhibition. 25 February–28 March 1965. Originated from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Des Moines Art Center, Iowa. Alexander Calder: A Retrospective Exhibition. 28 April–30 May 1965. Originated from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Art Gallery of Toronto. Mobiles and Stabiles by Calder, the Man Who Made Sculpture Move. 1–30 May 1965. Originated from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Brook Street Gallery, London. Vasarely / Calder. July–September 1965.
Group Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris. Calder. 8 July–15 October 1965. Originated from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Recent Acquisitions: Kay Sage Tanguy Bequest. 9 September–14 December 1965.
Group Exhibition

Charles E. Slatkin Galleries, New York. Contemporary French Tapestries. 20 September–20 October 1965. 
Group Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York. The Art of Personal Adornment. 24 September–7 November 1965.
Group Exhibition

Laing Galleries, Toronto. 12 Calder Gouaches. 25 September–16 October 1965.
Solo Exhibition

Lincoln Center Plaza, New York. Le Guichet. 15 November 1965.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony


Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder–Recent Gouaches, Mobiles, Stabiles. 8 February–12 March 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Gouaches et Totems. 18 February 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Hayden Library, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. April 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago. Alexander Calder. 29 April–29 May 1966.
Solo Exhibition

United States Mission, United Nations, New York. Object in Five Planes. c. May 1966.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. May 1966.
Solo Exhibition

McDermott Court, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. La Grande voile. 7 May 1966.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Galerie Jan Krugier & Cie, Geneva. Alexander Calder. 9 June–30 July 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Honorary Doctorate of Arts. 16 June 1966.
Award Ceremony

Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. 2–31 July 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Institute of Contemporary Arts, London. Calder–The Painter. 29 September–29 October 1966.
Solo Exhibition

First City National Bank, Houston. Five Sculptors. 3–28 October 1966. 
Group Exhibition

James Goodman Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Calder. 8–29 October 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Centre Culturel Municipal de Toulouse, France. Calder (Le Mois USA). 26 October–28 November 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Donald Morris Gallery, Detroit. Alexander Calder. 13 November–10 December 1966. Originated from the James Goodman Gallery, Buffalo, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder: Jewelry. 15 November–17 December 1966.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Françoise Mayer, Brussels. Totems, mobiles et gouaches récentes. 19 November–17 December 1966.
Solo Exhibition


Obelisk Gallery, Boston. Alexander Calder: Gouaches, Mobiles. 17 January–4 February 1967.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Calder: 19 Gifts from the Artist. 1 February–5 April 1967.
Solo Exhibition

Los Angeles County Museum of Art. American Sculpture of the Sixties. 28 April–25 June 1967.
Group Exhibition

Openluchtmuseum voor beeldhouwkunst Middelheim, Antwerp. Totems et Gouaches. 10 February–5 March 1967.
Solo Exhibition

Calder Piece (1967). Written by Earle Brown; Chef d’Orchestre conducting instrument by Calder; music commissioned and performed by Diego Masson and his orchestra.
Theatrical Performance

Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. Recent Stabiles by Alexander Calder. 8 April–30 May 1967.
Solo Exhibition

Arco d’Alibert, Studio d’Arte, Rome. Calder. 21 April–28 May 1967.
Solo Exhibition

Universal and International Exposition (Expo ’67), Montreal. Man. 28 April–27 October 1967.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Alexander Calder. 21 May–16 July 1967.
Solo Exhibition

Heath Gallery, Inc., Atlanta. Alexander Calder: Gouaches, Mobiles, Stabiles. 8 June 1967.
Solo Exhibition

Museo d’Arte Moderno, Havana, Cuba. Salon de Mayo. July 1967.
Group Exhibition

Edgardo Acosta Gallery, Ltd., Beverly Hills. Twenty Gouaches by Calder: Dating from 1950 through June 1967, in Honor of his Sixty-Ninth Birthday. 15 August–7 September 1967.
Solo Exhibition

New York Cultural Showcase Festival, New York. Sculpture in Environment. 1–31 October 1967.
Group Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder: Early Work–Rediscovered. 14 November–23 December 1967.
Solo Exhibition


Aztec Stadium, Mexico City. El Sol Rojo. 1968.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Maison de la Culture, Bourges, France. Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Sculptures, Gouaches. 9 March–13 May 1968.
Solo Exhibition 

Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis. Calder. 17 April–11 May 1968.
Solo Exhibition

Work in Progress (1968). Ballet originated with Calder; sets and costumes designed by Calder; electronic music by Niccolo Castiglione, Aldo Clemente, and Bruno Maderna.
Theatrical Performance

Kiko Galleries, Houston. Calder. Fall 1968.
Solo Exhibition

Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, France. Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Sculptures, Gouaches. September 1968. Originated from Maison de la Culture, Bourges, France.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Flèches. 10 October–November 1968.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder / Space: Drawings 1930–1932; Gouaches 1967–1968. 15 October–9 November 1968.
Solo Exhibition 

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age. 25 November 1968–9 February 1969.
Group Exhibition


Métaboles (1969). Choreographed by Joseph Lazzini; set designed by Calder; music by Henri Dutilleux; produced by Théâtre Francais de la Danse.
Theatrical Performance

Donald Morris Gallery, Detroit. Calder Gouaches. 14 January–1 February 1969.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Works from the Peggy Guggenheim Foundation. 15 January–23 March 1969.
Group Exhibition

Gimpel Fils, London. Alexander Calder: Standing Mobiles, 1968. 18 February–15 March 1969.
Solo Exhibition

Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France. Calder. 2 April–31 May 1969.
Solo Exhibition

Manitou Gallery, Grand Valley State College, Allendale, Michigan. Calder. 4 May–15 June 1969.
Solo Exhibition

Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan. Alexander Calder: Mobiles and Stabiles. 18 May–24 August 1969.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Twentieth-Century Art from the Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection. 28 May–1 September 1969.
Group Exhibition

National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Gwenfritz. 3 June 1969.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Grand Valley State College, Allendale, Michigan. Honorary Doctorate of Arts. 7 June 1969.
Award Ceremony

Vandenberg Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan. La Grande vitesse. 14 June 1969.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark. Calder. 29 June–7 September 1969. Originated from Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France.
Solo Exhibition

Fundación Eugenio Mendoza, Caracas, Venezuela. Calder en Venezuela. 6 July–3 August 1969.
Solo Exhibition

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Calder. 4 October–16 November 1969. Originated from Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Bronze Sculptures of 1944. 7 October–8 November 1969.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 22 December 1969–15 February 1970.
Solo Exhibition


Galerie Blanche, Stockholm. Alexander Calder: Mobiler, Stabile-Mobiler, Gouacher 1961–1970. 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Long Beach Museum of Art, California. Calder Gouaches: The Art of Alexander Calder. 11 January–8 February 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Hokin Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida. 15 January–7 February 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Kovler Gallery, Chicago. Calder. 22 January–21 March 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, California. Calder Gouaches: The Art of Alexander Calder. 27 February–29 March 1970. Originated from the Long Beach Museum of Art, California.
Solo Exhibition

Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona. Calder Gouaches: The Art of Alexander Calder. 1–31 May 1970. Originated from the Long Beach Museum of Art, California.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Recent Acquisitions. 9 June–19 July 1970.
Group Exhibition

Chateau de Ratilly, Nièvre, France. Calder / Bazaine. 19 June–10 September 1970.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Vömel, Düsseldorf. Calder. 1 July–31 August 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Gunzenhauser, Munich. Calder. 24 September 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Semiha Huber, Zurich. A. Calder: Mobile, Bilder, Graphik, Teppiche. October 1970. 
Solo Exhibition

University of California, Berkeley. Hawk for Peace. 2 October 1970.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Recent Gouaches–Early Mobiles. 20 October–28 November 1970.
Solo Exhibition

Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 29 October–13 December 1970. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Albert Loeb and Krugier Gallery, New York. A Winter Collection. December 1970.
Group Exhibition


Galerie Blanche, Stockholm. 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Amériques (1971). Choreographed by Norbert Schmuki; sets and costumes designed by Calder; music by Edgard Varèse.
Theatrical Performance

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Stabiles, Animobiles. 12 February 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach, Florida. Alexander Calder / Louise Nevelson / David Smith. 6 March–5 April 1971.
Group Exhibition

Museo Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Montevideo. Alexander Calder: escultura, acuarelas y dibujos, grabados, libros ilustrados y joyas de la colección del Museum of Modern Art de Nueva York. 1–29 April 1971. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Studio Marconi, Milan. Calder. April–May 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Brook Street Gallery, London. April–May 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie d’Art Moderne Marie-Suzanne Feigel, Basel. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Mobiles/Stabiles, Bronzes, Gouaches et Lithographies. 3 April–5 June 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Gimpel Fils, London. Alexander Calder: Sculptures and Gouaches. 15 April–15 May 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Il Milione, Milan. Calder: Grafica e Libri Recenti. 27 April–25 May 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires. Escultura, acuarelas y dibujos, grabados, libros ilustra doy joyas de la Colección del Museum of Modern Art de Nueva York. 6 May–6 June 1971. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Alexander Calder. 13 May–14 June 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Institute for the Arts, Rice University, Houston. Art for Children. 22 May–September 1971.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Artek, Helsinki. Calder: 6 Tapisseries d’Aubusson 1970–1971. 25 May–10 June 1971.
Solo Exhibition

American Academy of Arts and Letters and National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York. Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Honors and Awards. 27 May–20 June 1971.
Group Exhibition

Galleria dell’Obelisco, Rome. Calder. June 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi, France. Calder. 23 June–15 September 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 12 August–12 September 1971. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Germany. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Bilder, Teppiche. 29 August–3 October 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Maison des Arts et Loisirs, Sochaux, France. Calder. 25 September–9 November 1971. Originated from Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi, France.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder: Animobiles–Recent Gouaches. 5 October–6 November 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Alexander Calder: Tapestries. 5 October–14 November 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Pace Gallery, Columbus, Ohio. Calder. 10 October–13 November 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Arte, Mexico City. Alexander Calder, esculturas, acuarelas, dibujos, grabados, libros ilustrados, joyeria. 28 October–28 November 1971. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Moos, Inc., Montreal. Alexander Calder: Original Gouaches. 15 November–6 December 1971.
Solo Exhibition

Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C. Alexander Calder Tapestries. 3 December 1971–2 January 1972. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Taft Museum, Cincinnati. Alexander Calder: Early Works, c. 1927–1944. 12 December 1971–31 January 1972.
Solo Exhibition


Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 13 January–27 February 1972. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Hokin Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida. Calder: Aubusson Tapestries. 18 January–7 February 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Verrière, Paris. Calder: Tapisseries. 23 February–19 March 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Parker Street 470 Gallery, Boston. Alexander Calder Tapestries. 19 March–8 April 1972. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 20 March–30 April 1972. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York. Calder: Aubusson Tapestries. 14 April–31 May 1972. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Calder’s Circus. 20 April–11 June 1972.
Solo Exhibition

DuBose Gallery, Houston. Aubusson Tapestries by Calder. 1–22 May 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Gallerias Mer-Kup, Mexico City. Aubusson Tapestries by Calder. June 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Le Surréalisme 1922–1942. 9 June–24 September 1972.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. A Child’s Summer with Calder and Miró. 14 June–20 August 1972.
Group Exhibition

L’eglise du Chateau, Felletin-Creuse, France. Calder Tapisseries et Mobiles. 23 June–10 September 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 7 September–22 October 1972. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Sidney Janis Gallery and Pace Gallery, New York. Art for McGovern. 20 September–21 September 1972.
Group Exhibition

Sala Pelaires, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Calder. September–October 1972.
Solo Exhibition

High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Calder in Atlanta. 1–29 October 1972.
Solo Exhibition

David Ash Gallery, Seattle. Alexander Calder: Recent Lithographs. 6–29 October 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Oil Paintings. 10 October–11 November 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Delta International Art Center, Rome. Alexander Calder. 27 October–22 November 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Claude Bollack, Strasbourg, France. l’Expression. 9–23 November 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Oakland Museum, California. A Salute to Alexander Calder. 14 November 1972–1 January 1973. Originated from the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

The Arts Club of Chicago. Aubusson Tapestries by Alexander Calder. 15 November–30 December 1972.
Solo Exhibition

Fuji Television Gallery Co., Ltd., Tokyo. Calder / Miró. 15–30 November 1972.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Beyeler, Basel. Miró / Calder. December 1972–January 1973.
Group Exhibition


Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne. Calder22 Teppiche aus den Ateliers Pinton Aubusson. 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Recent Mobiles. 24 January–24 February 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Gimpel Fils, London. Master Sculptors of the 20th Century. 30 January–3 March 1973.
Group Exhibition

Galerie T. Roussel, Perpignan, France. February–March 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany. Calder: 22 Teppiche aus den Ateliers Pinton Aubusson. 8 February–8 March 1973. Originated from Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Paine Art Center & Arboretum, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Tapestries by Calder. 11 February–4 March 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Jacques Damase Gallery, Brussels. Calder. 19 February–21 March 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Kubus, Hanover, Germany. Calder, 22 Teppiche aus den Ateliers Pinton Aubusson. March–15 April, 1973. Originated from Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne, Germany.
Solo Exhibition

Art Institute of Chicago. Alexander Calder. 23 April 1973. Calder presented his maquette for Flamingo in a one-night exhibition.
Solo Exhibition

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Charleroi, Belgium. Calder: Sculptures en plein air: Plaine des Manœuvres; Gouaches et petits mobiles: Bibliothèque communale. 13 May–15 July 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Zurich. Alexander Calder: Retrospektive. 24 May–July 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria d’Arte La Bussola, Turin, Italy. Selezione 1973. 18 June 1973.
Group Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Calder Airplanes. 9 August–7 October 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Calder: Escultures; Exposicio Calder Pintures. September 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, California. Alexander Calder: Mobiles. October 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Calder at 75–Works in Progress. 3 October–3 November 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, Connecticut. Alexander Calder. 8–12 October 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Burr Memorial Mall, University of Hartford, Connecticut. Stegosaurus. 10 October 1973. 
Installation / Dedication Ceremony, Award Ceremony

Detroit Institute of the Arts, Michigan. Alexander Calder: Prints, Drawings, and Illustrated Books. 18 October–18 November 1973.

Solo Exhibition

Galleria d’Arte La Bussola, Turin, Italy. Calder. 26 October 1973.
Solo Exhibition

Gallery 36 (Foote, Cone & Belding), New York. Flying Colors. December 1973.
Solo Exhibition 

Wharton Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Flying Colors. 4–20 December 1973. Originated from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, New York.  3 Sculptors: Calder, Nevelson, David Smith. 5 December 1973–3 January 1974.
Group Exhibition

De Cordova Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts. Primal Images. 16 December 1973–3 February 1974.
Group Exhibition 


Harcus Krakow Rosen Sonnabend Gallery, Boston. Alexander Calder / Tapestries. 9 February–9 March 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Paris. Calder: Mobile et Lithographies. 9 February–24 March 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Katonah Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder. 9 February–24 March 1974.

Solo Exhibition

Studio d’Arte Condotti, Rome. Calder. 4 March 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York. Aubusson Tapestries by Calder. April–June 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Centre Culturel de Saint-Pierre des Corps, France. Calder. April 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Rolly-Michaux Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Selected Lithographs. 30 April–18 May 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Rolly-Michaux Galleries, Boston. Alexander Calder: Selected Lithographs. 21 May–8 June 1974. Originated from Rolly-Michaux Galleries, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Jeanne Abeille, Toulouse, France. Calder: Tapisseries d’Aubusson et Lithographs. 29 May–10 July 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Angolare, Milan. Gouaches di Calder. June 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Musée Municipal, Limoges, France. Calder: Mobiles, Gouaches, Tapisseries, Assiettes, Lithographies. June 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Salle des Ecuries de Saint-Hugues et Musée Ochier, Cluny, France. Calder. 21 June–8 September 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Downtown Gallery, Baltimore Museum of Art. 8 July–23 August 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Monumenta Newport, Inc., Newport, Rhode Island. Monumenta: Sculpture in Environment. 17 August–13 October 1974.
Group Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Crags and Critters of 1974. 15 October–16 November 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Hokin Gallery, Chicago. Calder Paintings / Sculpture / Graphics. 15 October–16 November 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Denise René/Hans Meyer, Düsseldorf. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Gouachen. 17 October–22 November 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Source Gallery, San Francisco. Alexander Calder: Gouaches, Lithographs. 18 October–14 November 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Federal Center Plaza, General Services Administration, Chicago. Calder Festival. 25 October 1974. 
Installation / Dedication Ceremony, Award Ceremony

Deson-Zaks Gallery, Chicago. Calder. 25 October–23 November 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Alexander Calder: A Retrospective Exhibition, Work from 1925–1974. 26 October–8 December 1974.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Court Saint-Pierre, Geneva. November 1974–January 1975.
Solo Exhibition


Mobillissimo (1975). Choreographed by René Goliard; sets and costumes by Alexander Calder; music by Charles Ives. Performed by Ballet-Théâtre Contemporain in Amiens, France.
Theatrical Performance

Hooks-Epstein Galleries, Houston. Calder and Miró: Works on Paper 1957–1974. 7 January–15 February 1975.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery, New York. 5 Americans: Calder, Cornell, Nevelson, Noguchi, David Smith: Masters of Twentieth-Century Sculpture. 11 January–22 February 1975.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Crags and Critters. 22 January–23 February 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Bhirasi Institute of Modern Art, Bangkok. Calder’s Circus. 29 January–16 February 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Center for the Arts Gallery, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. Alexander Calder: Tapestries. 31 January–1 March 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Morone 6, Milan. Opere di Alexander Calder. February 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Portland School of Art, Maine. Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition Series: Alexander Calder. March–July 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Mitchell Sewall Gallery, New York. March–April 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Medea, Milan. Calder e Mathieu. 1–20 April 1975.
Group Exhibition

Moderne Galerie Otto Stangl, Munich. Calder / Hartung. May 1975. 
Group Exhibition

Haus der Kunst, Munich. Calder. 10 May–13 July 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Kunsthaus, Zurich. Calder. 23 August–2 November 1975. Originated from Haus der Kunst, Munich.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Zurich. Calder: Crags and Critters. September–October 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Parallèle, Geneva. Les Mobiles tissés. October 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Renaissance du Vieux Bordeaux, France. Calder: Tapisseries–Mobiles. 3–26 October 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Recent Mobiles and Circus Gouaches. 14 October–15 November 1975.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Artek, Helsinki. Calder: Mobiles, Bijoux, Lithographies / Léger: Huiles, Gouaches, Lithographies. 15 October–2 November 1975.
Group Exhibition


Galeria Bonino, Rio de Janeiro. Alexander Calder. Redes–Tapecarias. 23 March–17 June 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Marlborough, Rome. Alexander Calder: Arazzi e amache. April 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Circle Gallery, Ltd., Chicago. April 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Artcurial, Paris. Calder: Tapisseries Choisies. 7–30 April 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Gallery Wien, Jerusalem. Calder. 10 April–10 May 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Rondanini, Rome. Dai Mobiles ai Critters. 12 April 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Tribute to Calder. 28 July 1976.
Memorial / Tribute

Fort Wayne Museum of Art and L.S. Ayres & Co., Indiana. A Calder Occasion. 20–25 September 1976.
Solo Exhibition

May-Daniels & Fisher Stores, Denver. Alexander Calder: Lithographs, Gouaches, and Sculpture. 21 September–2 October 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Pennsylvania. Alexander Calder Festival. 1–10 October 1976.
Memorial / Tribute, Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. October 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Indianapolis Children’s Museum. Flying Colors: Six Models. 2 October–21 November 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Strawbridge & Clothier Store, Philadelphia. The Art of Alexander Calder. 4–8 October 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Makler Gallery, Philadelphia. Alexander Calder. 4–30 October 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Perls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder: Works on Paper 1925–1976. 12 October–13 November 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Brewster Gallery, New York. Calder: Aubusson Tapestries and Selected Lithographs. 13 October–13 November 1976. 
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Calder’s Universe. 14 October 1976–6 February 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Rolly-Michaux Gallery, New York. Gouaches and Important Lithographs. 14 October–13 November 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Rolly-Michaux Gallery, Boston. Gouaches and Important Lithographs. 11 November–24 December 1976. Originated from Rolly-Michaux Gallery, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Lakeview Center, Peoria, Illinois. 16–20 November 1976.
Solo Exhibition

Bonino/Soho, New York. Woven Mobility Designed by Alexander Calder. 30 November 1976–5 January 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Mobiles and Stabiles. 1 December 1976–8 January 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Memorial Service. 6 December 1976.
Memorial / Tribute


Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Graphics by Calder. 4 January–27 February 1977.
Solo Exhibition

High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Calder’s Universe. 5 March–1 May 1977. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Artists’ Market/Warehouse Gallery, London. 15 March–14 April 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Galeria Maeght, Barcelona. Calder: Exposicio Antologica (1932–1976). April–May 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Hess’s Fine Arts Gallery, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Calder Festival. 16–30 April 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Grand Rapids, Michigan. Calder Festival. 16–20 April 1977.
Memorial / Tribute

Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Calder Festival. 19 April–5 May 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Irving Galleries, Milwaukee. 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Jerusalem Foundation and the Israel Museum. The Jerusalem Stabile. 9 May 1977.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Galerie Saint-Martin, Paris. Hommage à Calder, Tapisseries d’Aubusson. 13 May–5 June 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Martha Graham Center for Contemporary Dance, Inc., and the Friends of Martha Graham, Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, New York. Gala Celebration Tribute to Alexander Calder. 17 May 1977. 
Memorial / Tribute

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Calder’s Universe. 5 June–14 August 1977. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Dayton’s, Minneapolis. 7–21 June 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Homage to Calder. 5 September 1977–7 January 1978.
Solo Exhibition

Hooks-Epstein Galleries, Houston. Alexander Calder. 10 September–20 October 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Calder’s Universe. 14 September–30 October 1977. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Junior Galerie, Goslar, Germany. Alexander Calder: Plastiken, Gouachen, Grafiken, Gobelins. 16–26 October 1977.
Solo Exhibition

Missal Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona. Alexander Calder Lithographs: A Memorial Tribute. 6–20 November 1977.
Solo Exhibition

The National Tribute to Alexander Calder (1977). Program included a revival of the 1936 presentation of Erik Satie’s symphonic drama Socrate with mobile decor recreated from Calder’s designs, funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts; and Four Saints in Three Acts by Gertrude Stein with music by Virgil Thomson. Performed at the Beacon Theater, New York City.
Memorial / Tribute; Theatrical Performance

Brewster Gallery, New York. Homage to Calder. 12 November–3 December 1977.
Solo Exhibition

American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York. Alexander Calder: Memorial Exhibition. 14 November–30 December 1977.
Solo Exhibition


ACA Gallery, Atlanta. Calder. 20 January–3 February 1978.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Artek, Helsinki. Calder: Lithographies. 27 January–15 February 1978.
Solo Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Images de Calder. 17 February–27 March 1978.
Solo Exhibition

San Jose Museum of Art, California. Calder’s Universe. 2 April–21 May 1978. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Galeria del Centro Colombo-Americano, Bogotá. Alexander Calder. 27 April–31 May 1978.
Solo Exhibition

Portland Art Museum, Oregon. Calder’s Universe. 14 June–30 July 1978. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona. Calder’s Universe. 27 August–8 October 1978. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Tokoro, Tokyo. Alexander Calder: Mobiles and Gouaches. 4 September–7 October 1978.
Solo Exhibition

Sun-City Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona. Works by Calder from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Lewis. 11 September–10 October 1978.
Solo Exhibition

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York.  Alexander Calder: Sculpture of the 1970s. 4 October–2 November 1978.
Solo Exhibition

Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska. Calder’s Universe. 4 November–17 December 1978. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition


Loch Haven Art Center, Orlando, Florida. Calder’s Universe. 7 January–25 February 1979. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Garelick’s Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona. Calder: Recent Graphics. 19–31 January 1979.
Solo Exhibition

Théâtre Maxime Gorki, Petit Quevilly, France. Calder: lithographies, mobiles, stabiles. 2 March–10 April 1979.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. The Planar Dimension Europe 1912–1913. 9 March–6 May 1979.
Group Exhibition

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Calder’s Universe. 15 March–13 May 1979. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Competition & Sports Cars, Ltd., BMW, Greenwich, Connecticut. Calder–Lithographs. 6–21 April 1979.
Solo Exhibition

Rolly-Michaux Gallery, Boston. Alexander Calder–The Man and His Work. 29 April–16 June 1979.
Solo Exhibition

Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire. Calder’s Universe. 2 June–29 July 1979. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Rutgers University Art Gallery, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Vanguard American Sculpture 1913–1939. 16 September–4 November 1979.
Group Exhibition

Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo. Calder’s Universe. 23 September–29 October 1979. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Marisa del Re Gallery, New York. Calder. 2–20 October 1979.
Solo Exhibition

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York. Alexander Calder–Fernand Léger. 4–27 October 1979.
Group Exhibition

Rolly-Michaux Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder. 10 October–10 November 1979.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Pieter Coray, Lugano, Switzerland. Calder. 26 October–24 November 1979.
Solo Exhibition

Kita-kyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Japan. Calder’s Universe. 3–25 November 1979. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Stanford University Law School, California. Le Faucon. 17 November 1979.
Installation / Dedication Ceremony

Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe, Japan. Calder’s Universe. 22 December 1979–3 February 1980. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition


Nahan Galleries, New Orleans. Alexander Calder. 2–25 February 1980.
Solo Exhibition

Yokohama City Gallery, Japan. Calder’s Universe. 10 February–9 March 1980. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Theo Waddington, Ltd., Toronto. Sculpture and Gouache by Alexander Calder. April 1980.
Solo Exhibition

Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, Germany. Treffpunkt Parnass Wuppertal 1949–1965. 30 May–13 July 1980.
Group Exhibition 

Chapelle de la Charité, Arles, France. Calder. 29 June–21 September 1980.
Solo Exhibition

Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, England. Calder. 12 July–10 August 1980.
Solo Exhibition

Marisa del Re Gallery, New York. Calder. October 1980.
Solo Exhibition

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York. Alexander Calder: Standing Mobiles. 4 December 1980–2 January 1981.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Brusberg, Hanover, Germany. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Grafik, und Critters. 6 December 1980–1 March 1981.
Solo Exhibition

Galeria Jean Boghici, Rio de Janeiro. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Pintura, Guaches. 18 December 1980–18 January 1981.
Solo Exhibition


Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Alexander Calder: A Concentration of Works from the Permanent Collection at the Whitney Museum of American Art. 17 February–3 May 1981.
Solo Exhibition

The Mayor Gallery and Waddington Galleries, London. Calder. 1–25 April 1981.
Solo Exhibition

Dean Day Gallery, Houston. Alexander Calder. 10 April–2 May 1981.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder. 16–25 October 1981.
Solo Exhibition

Marisa del Re Gallery, New York. Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Gouaches. 22 December 1981–23 January 1982.
Solo Exhibition


Galerie Maeght, Zurich. Calder. 16 April–June 1982.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria dell’Immagine, Rimini, Italy. Ugo Mulas: Alexander Calder a Saché e a Roxbury 1961–1965. 24 April–29 May 1982.
Solo Exhibition

Knoxville Foundation Inc., Tennessee. Knoxville International Energy Exposition (1982 World’s Fair). 1 May–31 October 1982.
Group Exhibition

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York. Alexander Calder: Small Scale Works and Gouaches. 15 May–3 June 1982.
Solo Exhibition

Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City. Tapices de Alexander Calder. 20 July–29 August 1982.
Solo Exhibition

Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Arts, New York. Calder Tapestry Collection. 17–27 October 1982.
Solo Exhibition

University Art Museum, Berkeley, California. Alexander Calder. 3 November 1982–16 January 1983. 
Solo Exhibition


Flint Institute of Arts, Michigan. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Gouaches, Drawings from the Michigan Collections. 20 February–27 March 1983.
Solo Exhibition

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York. Alexander Calder: Stabiles. 14 May–2 June 1983.
Solo Exhibition

Palazzo a Vela, Turin, Italy. Calder: Mostra retrospettiva. 2 July–25 September 1983.
Solo Exhibition

Greenberg Gallery and Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Calder in Retrospect. 1 September–2 October 1983.
Solo Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Des Stabiles et des Mobiles de Calder. 26 October 1983–2 January 1984.
Solo Exhibition

New Jersey State Museum, Trenton. Beyond the Plane: American Constructions 1930–1965. 29 October–31 December 1983.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Abstract Painting and Sculpture in America, 1927–1944. 5 November–31 December 1983.
Group Exhibition

M. Knoedler Zurich AG. Alexander Calder: Sculptures, Works on Paper. 3 December 1983–21 January 1984.
Solo Exhibition


Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County, Stamford, Connecticut. Calder: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art. 20 January–21 March 1984.
Solo Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. The Spirit of Modernism: The Tremaine Collection: 20th Century Masters. 26 February–29 April 1984.
Group Exhibition

Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela. May–June 1984.
Solo Exhibition

Rachel Adler Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder. 12 May–16 June 1984.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art at Philip Morris, New York. Calder: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of Modern Art. 17 May–11 July 1984. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County, Stamford, Connecticut.
Solo Exhibition

Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan. Calder in Grand Rapids. 1–17 June 1984.
Memorial / Tribute

Herbert Palmer Gallery, Los Angeles. Calder Gouaches and Mobiles. 16 June–18 August 1984.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. From Degas to Calder: Sculpture and Works on Paper from the Guggenheim Museum Collection. 30 July–8 September 1984.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga, Japan. Development of Sculpture in the Twentieth Century: From Rodin to Christo Opening of MoMA Shiga. August 1984.
Group Exhibition


Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Six Modern Masters from the Guggenheim Museum New York. 10 March–8 April 1985.
Group Exhibition

Brooklyn Museum. The Fashions of Elizabeth Hawes: A Bit of Spinach. May–27 October 1985.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery, New York. Calder’s Calders. 3 May–8 June 1985.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght Lelong, Paris. Calder. 14 May–8 June 1985.
Solo Exhibition

Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston. Alexander Calder: Mobiles and Gouaches. 18 May–13 June 1985.
Solo Exhibition

Fort Worth Art Museum, Texas. Calder Animals: Made at the Zoo and Elsewhere Too. 2 June–1 September 1985.
Solo Exhibition

Hudson River Museum in cooperation with Whitney Museum of American Art, Yonkers, New York. Calder Creatures Great and Small. 21 July–15 September 1985.
Solo Exhibition

Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington. Calder Creatures Great and Small. 27 September–10 November 1985. Originated from the Hudson River Museum in cooperation with the Whitney Museum of American Art, Yonkers, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Galería Theo, Madrid. Doce esculturas Calder / Miró diez pinturas. 5 December 1985–January 1986.
Group Exhibition


Bakalar Sculpture Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Alexander Calder: Artist As Engineer. 31 January–13 April 1986.
Solo Exhibition

Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey. Calder Creatures Great and Small. 11 May–29 June 1986. Originated from the Hudson River Museum in cooperation with Whitney Museum of American Art, Yonkers, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Le Château Biron, Dordogne, France. Calder. 14 June–30 September 1986.
Solo Exhibition

Ancienne Ecole, Plouguiel, France. Calder a La Roche-Jaune: Mobiles, Gouaches, Bijoux. 14 July–15 August 1986.
Solo Exhibition

Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Alexander Calder: An American Invention. 13 September–16 November 1986.
Solo Exhibition

Artcurial, Munich. Calder: Mobiles, Gouachen, Lithographien. 15 October–20 December 1986.
Solo Exhibition


Pace Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder Bronzes. 20 March–14 April 1987.
Solo Exhibition

Knoxville Museum of Art at the Candy Factory, Tennessee. The Mindlin-Gazaway Alexander Calder Collection. 10 April–10 May 1987.
Solo Exhibition

Equitable Gallery, Miami. Calder Park: An Exhibition of Maquettes by Alexander Calder. 22 April–May 1987.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Adrien Maeght, Paris. Calder. 18 June–10 August 1987.
Solo Exhibition

Chateau du Roi René, Tarascon, France. Calder. 3 July–27 September 1987.
Solo Exhibition

Galeria Maeght, Milan. Calder Graphics. 1 October 1987.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Fifty Years of Collecting: An Anniversary Selection. 13 November 1987–13 March 1988.
Group Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Alexander Calder: Sculptures of the Nineteen Thirties. 14 November 1987–17 January 1988.
Solo Exhibition

Linssen Gallery, Cologne. Calder Retrospective: 1898–1976. 25 November 1987–January 1988.
Solo Exhibition


State Street Gallery, Westport, Connecticut. Calder: Comprehensive Exhibition of over Fifty Works of Art. 2 April–28 May 1988.
Solo Exhibition

Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, New York. Alexander Calder: Five Grand Stabiles. 10 September 1988–9 March 1998.
Solo Exhibition

Nohra Haime Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder–Gouaches. 14 September–15 October 1988.
Solo Exhibition

Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York. Calder: Drawings, Mobiles, and Stabiles. 16 September–22 October 1988.
Solo Exhibition

Gallerie Seno, Milan. Alexander Calder: Standing and Hanging Mobiles 1945–1976. 6 October–16 November 1988.
Solo Exhibition

Wiegersma Fine Art, Paris. Calder: Gouaches, Mobiles. 7 October–12 November 1988.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris. Alexander Calder–Mobiles; Fernand Léger–Peintures. 13 October–26 November 1988.
Group Exhibition

Edward Totah Gallery, London. Alexander Calder: Standing and Hanging Mobiles 1945–1976. December 1988. Originated from Gallerie Seno, Milan.
Solo Exhibition

Arnold Herstand and Co., New York. Alexander Calder: Selected Works. 1 December 1988–11 February 1989.
Solo Exhibition


Galeria Maeght, Barcelona. Calder. February–March 1989.
Solo Exhibition

Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Calder Intime. 15 February–21 May 1989.
Solo Exhibition

Greenberg Gallery, St. Louis. Alexander Calder. 10 March–22 April 1989.
Solo Exhibition

Galería Theo, Madrid. Calder. 16–31 March 1989.
Solo Exhibition

Gallery Urban, New York. Miró: Major Works and Calder: Mobiles and Gouaches. 1 April–31 May 1989.
Group Exhibition

Gallery International 57, New York. Alexander Calder Woven Mobility. 11 April–6 May 1989. 
Solo Exhibition

Pace Gallery, New York. Calder: Stabiles. 5 May–17 June 1989.
Solo Exhibition

El Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City. Calder: obra íntima. 1 June–15 August 1989. Originated from Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Gallery Urban, Paris. Miró Calder. 26 September–10 November 1989. Originated from Gallery Urban, New York. 
Group Exhibition

Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution, New York. The Intimate World of Alexander Calder. 17 October 1989–11 March 1990. Originated from Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Solo Exhibition


Minneapolis Institute of Arts. The Intimate World of Alexander Calder. 6 May–15 July 1990. Originated from Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo. The Intimate World of Alexander Calder. 3–28 August 1990. Originated from Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Bonnier, Geneva. Calder: Dix Gouaches 1970–1973. 6 November 1990–15 January 1991.
Solo Exhibition

Antique Poster Gallery, Ridgefield, Connecticut. 13 November–22 December 1990.
Solo Exhibition

Jack Rutberg Fine Arts Inc., Los Angeles. Alexander Calder: Sculptures, Paintings and Gouaches. 8 December 1990–31 January 1991.
Solo Exhibition


Gallery Urban, New York. Calder: Gouaches, Tapestries. February–March 1991.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Celebrating Calder. 13 November 1991–2 January 1992.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maurice Keitelman, Brussels. Calder Mobiles. 29 November 1991–1 February 1992.
Solo Exhibition


Crane Gallery, London. Calder: Oils, Gouaches, Mobiles and Tapestries. 5 March–1 May 1992.
Solo Exhibition

Royal Academy of Arts, London. Alexander Calder. 13 March–7 June 1992. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Municipale Prague. Alexander Calder. 23 June–30 August 1992.
Solo Exhibition

Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France. L’Art en Mouvement. 4 July–15 October 1992.
Group Exhibition

IVAM, Centre Julio Gonzalez, Valencia, Spain. El Universo de Calder. 12 September–8 November 1992. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

EPAD, Parvis de La Défense, Paris. Les Monuments de Calder. 7 October 1992–3 January 1993.
Solo Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Alexander Calder from the Collection of the Ruth and Leonard J. Horwich Family. 21 November 1992–31 January 1993.
Solo Exhibition


Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Calder Gallery Installation. January 1993–May 1994.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Picasso and the Age of Iron. 19 March–16 May 1993.
Group Exhibition

Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn. Alexander Calder: Die Grossen Skulpturen. 2 April–30 September 1993. Originated from La Défense, Parvis de La Défense et Galerie Art 4, Paris.
Solo Exhibition

Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn. Der Andere Calder. 30 April–30 September 1993.
Solo Exhibition

O’Hara Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Sculpture, Paintings, Works on Paper. 1 May–30 May 1993.
Solo Exhibition

Sonje Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyongju, Korea. Celebrating Calder. 21 June–19 September 1993. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Musée Picasso, Château Grimaldi, Antibes, France. Calder: Mobiles, stabiles, gouaches, bijoux . . .   2 July–27 September 1993.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, New York. Monumental Sculpture. 18 September–30 October 1993.
Solo Exhibition


Haus der Kunst, Munich. Elan vital oder Das Auge Der Eros: Kandinsky, Klee, Arp, Miró, Calder. 20 May–14 August 1994.
Group Exhibition

Bibliothèque Municipale and Abbaye Saint-Germain, Auxerre, France. Calder. 27 May 1994.
Solo Exhibition

American Academy in Rome. American Art in Italian Private Collections: Calder, Dine, Kline, Nevelson, Rauschenberg, Rothko, Tobey, Twombly. 27 May–30 June 1994.
Group Exhibition

William Beadleston, Inc., New York, in association with Susanna Allen Fine Art, London. Alexander Calder: Mobiles / Stabiles. 7 June–1 July 1994.
Solo Exhibition

Musée du Québec. Celebrating Calder. 8 June–9 October 1994. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Ho Gallery, Hong Kong. Calder. 9 September–29 October 1994.
Solo Exhibition

Musée du Québec. Alexander Calder: L’imaginaire et l’équilibre. 29 September 1994–15 January 1995.
Solo Exhibition

Musée du Quebec. L’Homme de Calder. 29 September 1994–15 January 1995.
Solo Exhibition

O’Hara Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Selected Works 1932–1972. 18 October–3 December 1994.
Solo Exhibition

Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan. Collection Maeght 1909–1994: Une collection du Xxeme Siecle. 19 November 1994–22 January 1995.
Group Exhibition


Galerie des Cahiers d’Art, Paris. Sculptures de Calder vues par Marc Vaux, Hugo Herdeg and Herbert Matter. 15 March–6 April 1995.
Solo Exhibition

Grosvenor Gallery, London. Henry Moore O.M. 1898–1986; Alexander Calder 1898–1976. 15 March–13 April 1995.
Group Exhibition

A/D Gallery, New York. Calder Jewelry. 20 May–28 July 1995.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Alexander Calder, ‘Bestiaire’, Ouvrage en Lithographie. 20 May–29 July 1995. 
Solo Exhibition

Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut. The Mobile, the Stabile, the Animal; Wit in the Art of Alexander Calder. 14 September–31 December 1995.
Solo Exhibition

The Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Terese and Alvin S. Lane Collection: Twentieth-Century Sculpture and Sculptors’ Works on Paper. 30 September–3 December 1995.
Group Exhibition

The Baltimore Museum of Art. Celebrating Calder. 4 October 1995–7 January 1996. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark. Alexander Calder: Retrospective. 6 October 1995–21 January 1996.
Solo Exhibition

PaceWildenstein, Beverly Hills. Alexander Calder: The 50s. 9 November–29 December 1995.
Solo Exhibition


PaceWildenstein, New York. Alexander Calder: The 50s. 19 January–17 February 1996. Originated from PaceWildenstein, Beverly Hills, California.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Proarta, Zurich. Calder 1898–1976, Mobiles Bilder Lithographien. 2 March–1 May 1996.
Solo Exhibition

Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Celebrating Calder. 9 March–5 May 1996. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Alexander Calder (1898–1976). 30 March–27 May 1996. Originated from Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark.
Solo Exhibition

Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. Americans in Paris (1921–1931): Man Ray, Gerald Murphy, Stuart Davis, Alexander Calder. 27 April–18 August 1996.
Group Exhibition

Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Calder’s Art: A Circus of Creativity. 18 May 1996–5 January 1997.
Solo Exhibition

Donjon de Vez, France. Calder au Donjon de Vez. 26 May–29 September 1996.
Solo Exhibition

590 Madison, New York. Alexander Calder. 3 June 1996–14 February 1997.
Solo Exhibition

Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Alexander Calder: 1898–1976. 10 July–6 October 1996. Originated from Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark.
Solo Exhibition

Galería Estiarte, Madrid. Calder: Obra Gráfica. September–October 1996.
Solo Exhibition

Indianapolis Art Center. Indiana Collects Calder. 13 September–1 December 1996.
Solo Exhibition

Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington. Calder at Indiana University. 9 October 1996–2 February 1997.
Solo Exhibition


Michelle Rosenfeld Gallery, New York. Masters of the Seventies. Winter 1997.
Group Exhibition

Galerie du Golf-Hôtel Les Hauts de Gstaad-Saanenmöser, Gstaad, Switzerland. Tel est Calder. 8 February–16 March 1997.
Solo Exhibition

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Alexander Calder: The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Perls. 9 March–6 July 1997.
Solo Exhibition

Simon Capstick-Dale Fine Art Ltd., London. Alexander Calder: Sculpture, Drawings and Gouaches. 11 April–16 May 1997.
Solo Exhibition

Galeria Senda, Barcelona. Alexander Calder. 16 April–17 May 1997.
Solo Exhibition

Salas de Exposiciones de la Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais, Obra Socio Cultural de Unicaja, Málaga, Spain. Alexander Calder. 23 May–19 June 1997. Originated from Galeria Senda, Barcelona.
Solo Exhibition

Palais Bénédictine, Fécamp, France. Exposition Calder. 20 June–21 September 1997.
Solo Exhibition

Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel. The Helene and Zygfryd Wolloch Collection of Modern Sculpture. 26 August–29 November 1997.
Group Exhibition


San Jose Museum of Art, California. Flying Colors: The Innovation and Artistry of Alexander Calder. 16 November 1997–1 February 1998.
Solo Exhibition

Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Calder. 20 November 1997–15 February 1998.
Solo Exhibition

Sala Provinicia, Léon, Spain. Alexander Calder. January–March 1998.
Solo Exhibition

Fundaçao Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva, Lisbon. Calder. 19 March–24 May 1998.
Solo Exhibition

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Alexander Calder: 1898–1976. 29 March–12 July 1998.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Alexander Calder. 4 April 1998–28 March 1999.

Museum Jean Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland. Aus der Sammlung Theo und Elsa Hotz. 27 May–September 1998.
Group Exhibition

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York. Calder and Miró. 7 June–13 September 1998.
Group Exhibition

National Science Olympiad, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan. Classical, Casual and Calder. 21 July 1998.
Solo Exhibition

Roxbury, Connecticut. Calder’s 100th Birthday Celebration and Dedication of the Calder Stamp. 22 July 1998.
Memorial / Tribute

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Alexander Calder: 1898–1976. 4 September–1 December 1998. Originated from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Solo Exhibition

Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Arizona. Alexander Calder: Le Grand Cirque. 19 December 1998–21 March 1999.
Solo Exhibition


San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Focus on Calder: Selected Works from the 30s & 40s. 1999.
Solo Exhibition

Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York. Calder: Works on Paper. 20 January–6 March 1999.
Solo Exhibition

Galería Elvira González, Madrid. Alexander Calder / Yves Tanguy. 21 January–27 February 1999.
Group Exhibition

Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. An Adventurous Spirit: Calder at The Phillips Collection. 23 January–18 July 1999.
Solo Exhibition

Lever House, New York. Alexander Calder Sculpture. 27 January–31 May 1999.
Solo Exhibition

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada. Cosmos. 17 June–17 October 1999.
Group Exhibition

O’Hara Gallery, New York. Motion–Emotion: The Art of Alexander Calder. 21 October–4 December 1999.
Solo Exhibition

Arizona State University, Tempe. Eye of the Collector: Works from the Lipman Collection of American Art. 20 November 1999–13 February 2000.
Group Exhibition


PaceWildenstein, New York. Earthly Forms: The Biomorphic Sculpture of Arp, Calder and Noguchi. 18 February–20 March 2000.
Group Exhibition

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Twentieth-Century American Art: The Ebsworth Collection. 5 March–11 June 2000.
Group Exhibition

IFAR Lecture, New York. “Alexander Calder: Artistic Development and Authenticity.” 4 April 2000.
Calder Foundation Event

Gordon Jewish Community Center, Nashville, Tennessee. Double Tribute. 16 April–10 May 2000.
Solo Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. Calder in Connecticut. 28 April–6 August 2000.
Solo Exhibition

Darga & Lansberg Galerie, Paris. Calder. 26 May–30 July 2000.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Maeght, Paris. Calder. 9 June–29 July 2000.
Solo Exhibition

Sala Pelaires, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Calder. October 2000.
Solo Exhibition

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Art for the Nation: Collecting for a New Century. 1 October 2000–4 February 2001.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Celebrating Modern Art: The Anderson Collection. 4 October 2000–15 January 2001.
Group Exhibition

Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 3 November–17 December 2000.
Solo Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Alexander Calder in Focus. 13 December 2000–19 August 2001.
Solo Exhibition


Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, New York. Percival Goodman: Architect, Planner, Teacher, Painter. 14 February–31 March 2001.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color.  6 April–13 May 2001. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition

Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, New York. Grand Intuitions: Calder’s Monumental Sculpture. 21 May 2001–15 November 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 22 May–17 June 2001. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Thomas, Munich. Calder and Miró. 25 June–11 August 2001.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Art, Kochi, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 26 June–26 August 2001. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition

Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 2 September–14 October 2001. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition

The Brooklyn Museum, New York. Vital Forms: American Art and Design in the Atomic Age, 1940–1960. 12 October 2001–6 January 2002.
Group Exhibition

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. Images from the World Between: The Circus in Twentieth-Century American Art. 19 October 2001–6 January 2002.
Group Exhibition

Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 20 October–16 December 2001. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition

Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 22 December 2001–11 February 2002. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition


Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art, Las Vegas. Alexander Calder: The Art of Invention. 25 January–24 July 2002.
Solo Exhibition

PaceWildenstein, New York. Calder ’76: The Cutouts. 14 February–16 March 2002.
Solo Exhibition

The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Pierre Matisse and His Artists. 14 February–19 May 2002.
Group Exhibition

Nagoya City Art Museum, Japan. Alexander Calder: Motion and Color. 20 February–7 April 2002. Originated from Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan.
Solo Exhibition

Fairmount Park Association Lecture, Philadelphia. “Alexander Calder and His Family’s Legacy.” 13 May 2002.
Calder Foundation Event

Ameringer & Yohe Fine Art, New York. Calder: Four Maquettes, Two Stabiles & a Little Bird Too. 19 September–12 October 2002.
Solo Exhibition

Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge. Lois Orswell, David Smith, and Modern Art. 21 September 2002–16 February 2003.
Group Exhibition

Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Massachusetts. Assembly / Line: Works by Twentieth-Century Sculptors. 18 October–18 December 2002.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Life, Death, Love, Hate, Pleasure, Pain: Selected Works from the MCA Collection. 16 November 2002–20 April 2003.
Group Exhibition


PaceWildenstein at the Art Dealers’ Association of America Art Fair, New York. Calder in Miniature. 19–24 February 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Van de Weghe Fine Art, New York. Calder: A Modern Definition of Space: Calder Sculpture. 21 February–23 May 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Fundación del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain. Calder: Gravedad y la Gracia. 18 March–12 October 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills. Alexander Calder. 3 May–21 June 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe. The Whimsical World of Alexander Calder. 25 July–30 August 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Gerald Peters Gallery, Dallas. The Whimsical World of Alexander Calder. 10 September–10 October 2003.
Solo Exhibition

Musée de Lodève, France. Calder, gouaches, sculptures, dessins, tapis. 15 November 2003–15 February 2004.
Solo Exhibition

Museo Nacional-Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid. Calder: Gravedad y la Gracia. 27 November 2003–18 February 2004. Originated from Fundación del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain.
Solo Exhibition

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy, France. Les Créations du Ballet Théâtre Contemporain. 27 November 2003–1 March 2004.
Group Exhibition

Kukje Gallery, Seoul. Calder: Poetry in Motion. 18 December 2003–7 February 2004.
Solo Exhibition


Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery, San Francisco. Alexander Calder: Sculpture and Works on Paper. 1 April–1 May 2004.
Solo Exhibition

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland. Calder–Miró. 2 May–5 September 2004.
Group Exhibition

590 Madison, New York. Large Scale Calders at 590. 2 May 2004–31 January 2005.
Solo Exhibition

Locks Gallery, Philadelphia. Alexander Calder Sculpture. 4–29 May 2004.
Solo Exhibition

National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming. Wild Work: Animal Drawings by Alexander Calder. 3 June–24 October 2004. 
Solo Exhibition

San Jose Museum of Art, California. It’s About Time: Celebrating 35 Years. 2 October 2004–13 February 2005.
Group Exhibition

Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. Calder–Miró. 9 October 2004–23 January 2005. Originated from Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland.
Group Exhibition

Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia. Calders on the Parkway. 4 November 2004–31 December 2005. 
Solo Exhibition


Samuel Vanhoegaerden Gallery, Knokke, Belgium. Alexander Calder 1898–1976. 19 March–16 May 2005.
Solo Exhibition

Thomas Dane, London. Calder: The Forties. 12 April–21 May 2005.
Solo Exhibition

Galleria Gió Marconi, Milan. Alexander Calder 60s–70s. 14 April–7 May 2005.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Two Monumental Sculptures. 4 June–29 July 2005.
Solo Exhibition

Hôtel Dassault, Paris. Calder ou l’équilibre poétique. 30 June–15 September 2005.
Solo Exhibition

The Menil Collection, Houston. The Surreal Calder. 30 September 2005–8 January 2006.
Solo Exhibition

The Noguchi Museum, Long Island City, New York. The Imagery of Chess: Revisited. 20 October 2005–15 April 2006.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Gmurzynska, Zurich. Alexander Calder: The Modernist. 11 November 2005–31 January 2006.
Solo Exhibition

Eaton Fine Art, West Palm Beach, Florida. Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Gouaches and an Airplane. 2 December 2005–28 January 2006.
Solo Exhibition


Adam Gallery, London. Alexander Calder Works on Paper. 1–14 February 2006.
Solo Exhibition

PaceWildenstein, New York. Calder: From Model to Monument. 3 February–4 March 2006.
Solo Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The Surreal Calder. 3 March–23 May 2006. Originated from the Menil Collection, Houston.
Solo Exhibition

Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Fetes. 6 March–7 April 2006.
Solo Exhibition

John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Alexander Calder: Sculpture and Works on Paper. 4–26 April 2006.
Solo Exhibition

City Hall Park, New York. Alexander Calder in New York. 24 April 2006–18 March 2007.
Solo Exhibition

Museum Tinguely, Basel. Edgard Varèse: Composer, Sound Sculptor, Visionary. 28 April–27 August 2006.
Group Exhibition

Jonathan O’Hara Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Mobiles. 9 May–16 June 2006.
Solo Exhibition

Nevada Museum of Art, Reno. Alexander Calder: The Kite that Never Flew. 3 June–12 November 2006.
Solo Exhibition

Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany. Und es bewegt sich doch … Von Alexander Calder und Jean Tinguely bis zur zeitgenöessischen ,,mobilen kunst.” 11 June–3 September 2006.
Group Exhibition

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis. The Surreal Calder. 11 June–10 September 2006. Originated from the Menil Collection, Houston.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. I Think Best in Wire: Alexander Calder. 29 June–10 September 2006.
Solo Exhibition

Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil. Calder no Brazil. 24 August–15 October 2006.
Solo Exhibition

Glenstone Foundation, Potomac, Maryland. Glenstone: The Inaugural Exhibition. September 2006–December 2008.
Group Exhibition

The Menil Collection, Houston. The Imagery of Chess: Revisited. 8 September 2006–7 January 2007. Originated from the Noguchi Museum, Long Island City, New York.
Group Exhibition

The George Segal Gallery, Montclair, New Jersey. Alexander Calder: Wall Hangings. 12 September–11 November 2006.
Solo Exhibition

PaceWildenstein, New York. Calder Gouaches: 1942–1976. 22 September–21 October 2006.
Solo Exhibition

Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro. Calder no Brazil. 21 November 2006–11 February 2007. Originated from Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo.
Solo Exhibition

Centro de Arte Tomás y Valiente, Madrid. Calder: La Forma y El Sueño. 29 November 2006–28 January 2007.
Solo Exhibition

Fórum Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal. Alexander Calder: A Forma e o Sonho. 6 December 2006–1 April 2007.
Solo Exhibition


Centro Cultural FIESP & Galeria de Arte do SESI, São Paulo, Brazil. Museu da Solidariedade Salvador Allende: Estéticas, sonhos, e utopias dos artistas do mundo pela liberdade. 20 March–11 July 2007.
Group Exhibition

Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Surreal Things: Surrealism and Design. 29 March–22 July 2007.
Group Exhibition 

Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. Alexander Calder and Joan Miró. 3 April–30 June 2007.
Group Exhibition

Musei Mazzucchelli, Brescia, Italy. Il teatro degli artisti da Picasso a Calder, da De Chirico a Guttuso. 5 May–28 October 2007.
Group Exhibition

Museo della Scultura Contemporaneo, Matera, Italy. Gioca e Impara con Alexander Calder. 20 May–21 June 2007.
Solo Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Focus: Alexander Calder. 14 September 2007–14 April 2008.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Alfa, Paris. Calder Gouaches. 15–23 September 2007.
Solo Exhibition

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Abstract Expressionism and Other Modern Works: The Muriel Kallis Steinberg Newman Collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 18 September 2007–3 February 2008.
Group Exhibition

Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea. Kukje Gallery: 25 Years. 5 October–5 November 2007.
Group Exhibition

Leslie Feely Fine Art, New York. Private Eye. 18 October–13 November 2007.
Group Exhibition

Jonathan O’Hara Gallery, New York. Simplicity of Means: Calder and the Devised Object. 25 October–8 December 2007.
Solo Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. Calder Foundation Twentieth Anniversary Dinner. National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park South, New York. 11 November 2007.
Calder Foundation Event


Galerie Gmurzynska, St. Moritz. Le Cirque Calder Commence. 8 February–29 May 2008.
Solo Exhibition

Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida. Calder Jewelry. 23 February–15 June 2008.
Solo Exhibition

Lehmann Maupin, New York. You & Me, Sometimes . . . . 20 March–3 May 2008. 
Group Exhibition

Ricco/Maresca Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder (1898–1976) Gouaches. 17 April–17 May 2008. 
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Gmurzynska, Zurich. Alexander Calder. 19 April–24 May 2008.
Solo Exhibition

Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels. Expo 58, l’Art Contemporain à l’Exposition Universelle. 16 May–21 September 2008.
Group Exhibition

Vintage20 / Tina Kim Gallery, New York. Calder–Nakashima. 22 May–28 June 2008.
Group Exhibition

Brame & Lorenceau, Paris. Calder Gouaches. 22 May–4 July 2008. 
Solo Exhibition

Château de Tours, France. Alexandre Calder en Touraine. 6 June–19 October 2008.
Solo Exhibition

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Calder Jewelry. 12 July–2 November 2008. Originated from the Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Solo Exhibition

Calder Symposium, Washington, Connecticut. “How Can Art Be Realized.” 19 July 2008.
Calder Foundation Event

Gagosian Gallery, Red October Chocolate Factory, Moscow. for what you are about to receive. 18 September–25 October 2008.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Daphne Farago Lecture on Craft Jewelry. “Calder Jewelry.” 28 September 2008.
Calder Foundation Event

Royal Academy of Arts, London. Miró, Calder, Giacometti, Braque: Aimé Maeght and His Artists. 4 October 2008–2 January 2009.
Group Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Alexander Calder: The Paris Years, 1926–1933. 16 October 2008–15 February 2009.
Solo Exhibition

Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. Cosmos: En busca de los orígenes.31 October 2008–31 January 2009.
Group Exhibition

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Calder Jewelry. 8 December 2008–1 March 2009. Originated from the Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Solo Exhibition


Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Alexander Calder: les années parisiennes 1926–1933. 18 March–20 July 2009. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. Calder Jewelry. 31 March–22 June 2009. Originated from the Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Solo Exhibition

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids. Alexander Calder: 1969 The Fortieth Anniversary of La Grande vitesse. 3 June–7 September 2009.
Solo Exhibition

San Diego Museum of Art. Calder Jewelry. 25 July 2009–3 January 2010. Originated from the Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Solo Exhibition

San Jose Museum of Art. Alexander Calder: Color in Motion. 1 August–13 December 2009.
Solo Exhibition

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. Alexander Calder: The Paris Years, 1926–1933. 3 October 2009–10 January 2010. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibition

Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany. For a New World: Georges Vantongerloo and His Environment from Piet Mondrian to Max Bill. 10 October 2009–9 January 2010.
Group Exhibition

Seattle Art Museum. Alexander Calder: A Balancing Act. 15 October 2009–11 April 2010.
Solo Exhibition

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome. Calder: Sculptor of Air. 23 October 2009–14 February 2010.
Solo Exhibition

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome. Alexander Calder nelle fotografie di Ugo Mulas. 23 October 2009–14 February 2010.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, Rome. Alexander Calder Monumental Sculpture. 29 October 2009–30 January 2010.
Solo Exhibition

Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut. Alexander Calder: Printmaker. 31 October 2009–31 January 2010. 
Solo Exhibition

Abu Dhabi Art. “Alexander Calder: Movement, Abstraction, and Reality.” 9 November 2009. 
Calder Foundation Event

The Pace Gallery at Abu Dhabi Art, Emirates Palace, United Arab Emirates. 19–22 November 2009.
Group Exhibition

Helly Nahmad Gallery, New York, at Art Basel Miami Beach. Alexander Calder. 3–6 December 2009.
Solo Exhibition


Calder Foundation, New York. Terry Erskine Roth Memorial Service. 23 January 2010.
Calder Foundation Event

Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan. Calder Jewelry. 29 January–18 April 2010. Originated from the Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder. 26 February–10 April 2010.
Solo Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. Reception in Honor of Atelier Calder Artists-in-Residence. 5 March 2010.
Calder Foundation Event

University of Virginia, Charlottesville. “Calder: Capturing Movement.” 8–9 April 2010.
Calder Foundation Event

L&M Arts, New York. Tanguy Calder: Between Surrealism and Abstraction. 20 April–12 June 2010.
Group Exhibition

Centre Cultural Caixa Terrassa, Spain. Calder–Miró: Una Experiència de Respecte i Amistat. 22 April–4 July 2010.
Group Exhibition

Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, New York. The View From Here: Storm King at 50. 5 June 2010–1 April 2011.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Alexander Calder and Contemporary Art: Form, Balance, Joy. 24 June–17 October 2010.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Calder to Warhol: Introducing the Fisher Collection. 25 June–19 September 2010. 
Group Exhibition

Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe. Alexander Calder. 22 July–2 October 2010.
Solo Exhibition

Van de Weghe Fine Art, New York. Alexander Calder. 14 September–13 November 2010.
Solo Exhibition

The Pace Gallery, New York. 50 Years at Pace. 17 September–23 October 2010.
Group Exhibition

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century. 21 November 2010–7 February 2011.
Group Exhibition

Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas. Alexander Calder and Contemporary Art: Form, Balance, Joy. 11 December 2010–6 March 2011. Originated from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
Group Exhibition

Galería Elvira González, Madrid. Calder. 22 December 2010–29 January 2011.
Solo Exhibition


Gagosian Gallery, London. Calder. 8 February–26 March 2011.
Solo Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. Maybe I Should Have Called It “My Life in Nineteen Minutes.”74 Pine Street, New York. 5 March 2011.
Calder Foundation Event

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Calder’s Portraits: A New Language. 11 March–14 August 2011. 
Solo Exhibition

Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Spotlight on the Collection–Artists in Depth: Arp, Miró, Calder. 25 March 2011–15 April 2012.
Group Exhibition

Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California. Alexander Calder and Contemporary Art: Form, Balance, Joy. 10 April–4 September 2011. Originated from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
Group Exhibition

Huntington Museum of Art, West Virginia. Calder. 4 June–7 August 2011.
Solo Exhibition

Ackland Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Carolina Collects: 150 Years of Modern and Contemporary Art from Alumni Collections. 9 September–4 December 2011.
Group Exhibition

Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, Italy. Gli Anni Folli. The Paris Years of Modigliani, Picasso and Dali: 1918–1933. 11 September 2011–8 January 2012.
Group Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. Mary Calder Rower Memorial Service. 17 September 2011.
Memorial / Tribute

Museum of Arts and Design, New York. Picasso to Koons: The Artist as Jeweler. 20 September 2011–8 January 2012.
Group Exhibition

Galería Manuel Barbié, Barcelona. Afinidades selectivas. 1 October–30 November 2011.
Group Exhibition

Foundation Beyeler, Basel. Surrealism in Paris. 2 October 2011–29 January 2012.
Group Exhibition

The Pace Gallery at Frieze Art Fair, London. 11–14 October 2011.
Group Exhibition

High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters. 15 October 2011–29 April 2012. 
Group Exhibition

The Pace Gallery, New York. Calder 1941. 21 October–23 December 2011. 
Solo Exhibition

The Pace Gallery, New York. Burning Bright: A Short History of the Light Bulb. 28 October–26 November 2011. 
Group Exhibition

Hammer Galleries, New York. Modern Masters: Paris & Beyond. 29 October 2011–21 January 2012.
Group Exhibition

Helly Nahmad Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: The Painter. 5 November–23 December 2011.
Solo Exhibition

Gallery Sant’Angelo, Biella, Italy. Litografie Originali da “Derriére le Miroir.” 12 November–31 December 2011.
Solo Exhibition


Acquavella Galleries Inc., New York. Masterworks: From Degas to Rosenquist. 6 February–6 April 2012.
Group Exhibition

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome. Il Guggenheim: L’avanguardia Americana 1945–1980. 7 February–6 May 2012.
Group Exhibition

Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands. Alexander Calder: De grote ontdekking. 11 February–28 May 2012.
Group Exhibition

Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Alexander Calder and Contemporary Art: Form, Balance, Joy. 16 February–17 June 2012. Originated from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
Solo Exhibition

The Pace Gallery, New York. Mythology and the Origins of Abstract Expressionism. 22 February–14 April 2012.
Group Exhibition

Arca Di San Marco, Vercelli, Italy. Great Masters of the Avant-Garde: Miró, Mondrian, Calder and the Guggenheim Collections. 2 March–10 June 2012. 
Group Exhibition

L&M Arts, Los Angeles. Alexander Calder. 27 April–16 June 2012. 
Solo Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. Oh, you mean cellophane and all that crap. 5 May 2012.
Calder Foundation Event

Tanneries d’Amilly and agART, Amilly, France. 12 May–16 September 2012.
Group Exhibition

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland. Calder Gallery. 25 May 2012–25 May 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Crane Kalman Gallery, London. Alexander Calder. 24 May 2012–30 June 2012. 
Solo Exhibition

The Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, England. House of Cards. 26 May–28 October 2012. 
Group Exhibition

Ordovas, London. Calder in India. 31 May 2012–3 August 2012. 
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949–1960. 8 June–12 September 2012.
Group Exhibition

Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea. Calder Noir. 12 July–17 August 2012. 
Solo Exhibition

Reina Sofia, Madrid. Encounters with the 1930s. 3 October 2012–7 January 2013. 
Group Exhibition

Helly Nahmad Gallery, London, at Frieze Masters, London. 11–14 October 2012.
Solo Exhibition

L&M Arts, New York. Calder: The Complete Bronzes. 25 October–8 December 2012. 
Solo Exhibition

Team Gallery, New York. The Nemesims. 1 November–21 December 2012. 
Group Exhibition

Hammer Galleries, New York. Objects in Space: Léger, Miró, Calder. 1 November 2012–28 January 2013.
Group Exhibition

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland, at ArtBasel: Miami Beach. 3–12 December 2012.
Solo Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. American Legends: From Calder to O’Keeffe. 22 December 2012–19 October 2014.
Group Exhibition


Cahiers d’Art, Paris. Calder. 19 February–18 May 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Adam Gallery, Bath, England. Alexander Calder – Graphic Works. 22 February–16 March 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Ben Brown Fine Arts, Hong Kong. Alexander Calder: Sculpture, Works on Paper and Jewellery. 28 February–3 April 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. Symposium for the Study and Preservation of Alexander Calder Sculpture. 1 March 2013.
Calder Foundation Event

Sotheby’s S2, New York. In the Round: A Collection of Domestic-Scaled Sculptures from Rodin to KapoorA Selling Exhibition. 4–21 April 2013.
Group Exhibition

Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli, Turin. A Passion for Jean Prouvé from Furniture to Architecture: The Laurence and Patrick Seguin Collection. 6 April–8 September 2013.
Group Exhibition

Galerie Malingue, Paris. Perspectives Atmosphériques: Oeuvres sur papier. 9 April–5 June 2013.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery, London. Calder After the War. 19 April–7 June 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. New Harmony: Abstraction between the Wars, 1919–1939. 10 May–8 September 2013.
Group Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. They might well have been remnants of the boat. High Line Hotel, New York. 11 May 2013.
Calder Foundation Event

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland. Calder Gallery II: Trees – Naming Abstraction. 8 June 2013–12 January 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, Le Bourget, Paris, in collaboration with Galerie Patrick Seguin, Paris. Calder / Prouvé. 8 June–2 November 2013.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery at Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, England. Calder at the Castle. 23 June–25 November 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul. Calder. 18 July–20 October 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Sotheby’s S2, New York. Alexander Calder: Works On Paper From 1930–1976. 15 August–13 September 2013.
Solo Exhibition

The Pace Gallery at ArtRio, Pier Mauá, Rio de Janeiro. Calder in Brazil. 5–8 September 2013.
Solo Exhibition

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein–Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany. Alexander Calder: Avant–Garde in Motion. 7 September 2013–26 January 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Tampa Museum of Art, Florida. Arp, Calder, and Miró: Modern Masters from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. 5 October 2013–19 January 2014. Originated from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York.
Group Exhibition

Ronchini Gallery, London, in collaboration with Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive / Museo Carandente, Spoleto, Italy. Calder & Melotti: Children of the Sky. 11 October–30 November 2013.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. MCA DNA: Alexander Calder. 12 October 2013–17 August 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Brownstone Foundation, Paris. Haroon Mirza: The Last Tape, 2010/2013. 22 October 2013.
Calder Foundation Event

Galerie Patrick Seguin, Paris, in collaboration with Gagosian Gallery, Le Bourget, Paris. Calder / Prouvé. 24 October–7 December 2013.
Group Exhibition

Blain Di Donna, New York. Dada and Surrealist Objects. 24 October–17 January 2014.
Group Exhibition

Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Davant l’horitzó. 24 October 2013–6 February 2014.
Group Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Surrealism and the Object. 30 October 2013–3 March 2014.
Group Exhibition

Venus Over Manhattan, New York. Calder Shadows. 4 November–1 February 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Salon 94, New York. Show and Tell: Calder Jewelry and Mobiles. 5 November–20 December 2013.
Group Exhibition

Calder Foundation, New York. The Calder Family and Other Critters: Portraits and ReflectionsBook Launch. 11 November 2013.
Calder Foundation Event

Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Calder and Abstraction: From Avant-Garde to Iconic. 24 November 2013–27 July 2014.
Solo Exhibition

LewAllen Galleries at the Railyard, Santa Fe. Now and Then: Contrasting Approaches to Key Themes of Modernism (An 80-Year Survey). 13 December 2013–23 February 2014.
Group Exhibition


Gagosian Gallery, Paris. Group Show. 23 January–19 February 2014.
Group Exhibition

Kunst Meran/Merano Arte, Italy. Ugo Mulas “Circus Calder.” 31 January–18 May 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Mnuchin Gallery, New York. Black / White. 6 February–22 March 2014.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery at Chesa Büsin, Zuoz, Switzerland. Carte Blanche. 20 February–30 March 2014.
Group Exhibition 

Pace, Menlo Park, California. Alexander Calder: The Art of Invention. 16 April–13 May 2014.
Solo Exhibition 

Mnuchin Gallery, New York. Casting Modernity: Bronze in the XXth Century. 24 April–7 June 2014.
Group Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Gouaches. 8 May–14 June 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Gagosian Gallery, Davies Street, London. Alexander Calder: Gouaches. 10 June–26 July 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Alexander Calder at the Rijksmuseum. 21 June–5 October 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie d’art du Conseil général des Bouches-du-Rhone, Aix-en-Provence, France. L’œuvre photographiée: Les ateliers d’artiste de Picasso à Warhol. 20 June–21 September 2014.
Group Exhibition

Kukje Gallery, Seoul. Calder: Jewelry. 10 July–17 August 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland. Calder Gallery III. 27 September 2014–6 September 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Mayoral Galeria d’Art, Barcelona. Miró/Calder. October 2014–31 March 2015.
Group Exhibition

James Goodman Gallery, New York. Calder: Space in Play. 22 October–19 December 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Brame & Lorenceau, Paris. Calder gouaches. 20 November–19 December 2014.
Solo Exhibition

Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhien, Germany. Alvar Aalto: Second Nature. 27 November 2014–3 January 2015.
Group Exhibition


Museo Jumex, Mexico City. Calder: Discipline of the Dance. 21 March–28 June 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées, Paris. American Icons: Masterworks from SFMOMA and the Fisher Collections. 8 April–22 June 2015.
Group Exhibition

Dominique Lévy Gallery, New York. Alexander Calder: Multum in Parvo. 22 April–13 June 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Dominique Lévy Gallery, London. Alexander Calder: Primary Motions. 29 April–1 September 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Pace Gallery, New York. Eureka. 1 May–27 June 2015.
Group Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. America is Hard to See. 1 May–27 September 2015.
Group Exhibition

Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis. Calder Lightness; Richard Tuttle Wire Pieces; Fred Sandback 64 Three-Part Pieces. 1 May–12 September 2015.
Group Exhibition

Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova, Venice. Frammenti Expo ’67: Alexander Calder e Emilio Vedova. 6 May–18 October 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Centre de la Vieille Charité, Marseille. Futurs. De la ville aux étoile: Matisse, Miró, Calder…. 22 May–27 September 2015.
Group Exhibition

Pushkin Museum, Moscow. Alexander Calder: Retrospective. 8 June–30 August 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Hauser & Wirth, Zürich. Transparence: Alexander Calder / Francis Picabia. 14 June–25 July 2015.
Group Exhibition

Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, France. American Icons: Masterworks from SFMOMA and the Fisher Collections. 9 July–18 October 2015.
Group Exhibition

Sotheby’s S2, Hong Kong. Alexander Calder: Imagining the Universe. 12–25 September 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin. Alexander Calder: Square Spiral. 16 September–17 October 2015.
Solo Exhibition

Opera Gallery, Geneva. Calder/Dubuffet: Between Sky and Earth. 24 September–10 October 2015.
Group Exhibition

Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milan. Tutto é felice nella vita dell’arte: Omaggio a Giovanni Carandente. 30 September–11 December 2015.
Group Exhibition

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Marvelous Objects: Surrealist Sculpture from Paris to New York. 29 October 2015–15 February 2016.
Group Exhibition

Tate Modern, London. Alexander Calder: Performing Sculpture. 11 November 2015–3 April 2016.
Solo Exhibition


Pace Gallery, London. The Calder Prize 2005–2015. 4 February–5 March 2016.
Calder Foundation Event, Group Exhibition

Palazzo Strozzi, Florence. From Kandinsky to Pollock. 19 March–24 July 2016.
Group Exhibition

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Metz, France. Musicircus: Œuvres phares du Centre Pompidou. 20 April 2016–17 July 2017.
Group Exhibition

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Above, Before & After. 7 May 2016–16 April 2017.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Alexander Calder: Motion Lab. 14 May 2016–1 October 2017.
Solo Exhibition

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel. Alexander Calder & Fischli/Weiss. 29 May–4 September 2016.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery, Hong Kong. Alexander Calder. 28 May–16 July 2016.
Solo Exhibition

Hauser & Wirth, Gstaad. Alexander Calder: Calder in the Alps. 14 July 2016–31 March 2017.
Solo Exhibition

Itaú Cultural, São Paulo. Calder and Brazilian Art. 31 August–23 October 2016.
Group Exhibition

Mayoral Galeria d’Art, Biennale des Antiquaries, Grand Palais, Paris. Art Revolutionaries. Homage to the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic, 1937. 8 September–18 September 2016.
Group Exhibition

Mayoral Galeria d’Art, Barcelona. Art Revolutionaries. Homage to the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic, 1937. 22 September 2016–7 January 2017. Originated from Mayoral Galeria d’Art, Biennale des Antiquaries, Grand Palais, Paris.
Group Exhibition

Louisa Guinness Gallery, London. The Boldness of Calder. 27 September–5 November 2016.
Solo Exhibition

World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis. Designing Chessmen: A Taste of the Imagery of Chess. 29 September 2016–12 March 2017.
Group Exhibition

Almine Rech Gallery, New York. Calder and Picasso. 28 October–17 December 2016.
Group Exhibition

Dean Borghi Fine Art, New York. Alexander Calder: Sharing Negative Space. 3 November 2016–1 January 2017.
Solo Exhibition


Mayoral Galeria d’Art, London. Art Revolutionaries. Homage to the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic, 1937. 18 January–10 February 2017. Originated from Mayoral Galeria d’Art, Biennale des Antiquaries, Grand Palais, Paris.
Group Exhibition

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim. 10 February–6 September 2017.
Group Exhibition

Ballroom Marfa, Texas. Strange Attractor. 10 March–6 August 2017.
Group Exhibition

Pace Gallery, New York. Calder: Constellations. 20 April–30 June 2017.
Solo Exhibition

Denver Botanic Gardens. Calder: Monumental. 28 April–24 September 2017.
Solo Exhibition

Almine Rech Gallery, New York. Imaginary Ancestors. 2 May–15 June 2017.
Group Exhibition

Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki. Alvar Aalto: Art and the Modern Form. 11 May–24 September 2017.
Group Exhibition

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Calder: Hypermobility. 9 June–23 October 2017.
Solo Exhibition

The Westmoreland Museum of American Art, Greensburg, Pennsylvania. The Art of Movement: Alexander Calder, George Rickey & Tim Prentice. 10 June–17 September 2017.
Group Exhibition

Hauser & Wirth, Zürich. Alexander Calder / David Smith. 12 June–16 September 2017.
Group Exhibition

Musée Soulages, Rodez. Calder. Forgeron de géantes libellules. 24 June–29 October 2017.
Solo Exhibition

Musée Zervos, Vézelay, France. Alexander Calder: La Gouacherie. 1 July–31 October 2017.
Solo Exhibition

Saatchi Gallery, London. Calder on Paper: 1960–1976. 27 September–7 December 2017.
Group Exhibition

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Alexander Calder: Scaling Up. 21 October 2017–13 January 2019.
Solo Exhibition

Venus Over Manhattan. Kinetics of Violence: Alexander Calder + Cady Noland. 7 November–22 December 2017.
Group Exhibition


Helly Nahmad Gallery, New York. Selected Works by 20th Century Masters. 19 March–27 July 2018.
Group Exhibition

Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence. I mondi di Calder: Opere, tracce e memorie di un grande artista a Spoleto.  28 April–29 July 2018.
Solo Exhibition

ARTALROC, Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra. Calder: La Geometria del Color. 22 May–2 September 2018.
Solo Exhibition

Hauser & Wirth Somerset. Alexander Calder: From the Stony River to the Sky. 26 May–9 September 2018.
Solo Exhibition

Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires. Alexander Calder: Theater of Encounters. 8 September 2018–13 January 2019.
Solo Exhibition

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Alexander Calder: Radical Inventor. 22 September 2018–24 February 2019.
Solo Exhibition

Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles. Calder: Nonspace. 27 October 2018–6 January 2019.
Solo Exhibition

Lévy Gorvy, New York. Calder/Kelly. 9 November 2018–9 January 2019.
Group Exhibition




Alexander Calder, Statement on wire sculpture

Jules Pascin, Sculptures bois et fil de fer de Alexander Calder

Adolf Behne, “Plastik als Lustakt,” in Welt Am Abend


Fernand Léger, “Preface,” in Alexandre Calder: Volumes–Vecteurs-Densités / Dessins–Portraits


Alexander Calder, “Comment réaliser l’art?” in Abstraction-Création, Art Non Figuratif

Alexander Calder, “Que ça bouge–À propos des sculptures mobiles”


Alexander Calder, Statement in Modern Painting and Sculpture

Alexander Calder, “Un ‘Mobile,’” in Abstraction-Création, Art Non Figuratif


James Johnson Sweeney, Mobiles by Alexander Calder


James Johnson Sweeney, “Alexander Calder’s Mobiles,” in Mobiles by Alexander Calder


Alexander Calder, “Mobiles,” in The Painter’s Object, edited by Myfanwy Evans


Alexander Calder, “Mercury Fountain,” in Stevens Indicator


Alexander Calder, “A Water Ballet,” in Theatre Arts Monthly

James Johnson Sweeney, “Alexander Calder: Movement as a Plastic Element,” in Plus


André Masson, “L’Atelier d’Alexander Calder,” handwritten poem


Alexander Calder, “A Propos of Measuring a Mobile”

Alexander Calder, Statement, in 17 Mobiles by Alexander Calder


Jean-Paul Sartre, “Les Mobiles de Calder,” in Alexander Calder: Mobiles, Stabiles, Constellations


Marcel Duchamp, “Alexander Calder,” in Collection of the Société Anonyme


James Johnson Sweeney, “Introduction,” in Alexander Calder

Alexander Calder, “What Abstract Art Means to Me,” in Museum of Modern Art Bulletin


Alexander Calder, “Voici une petite histoire de mon cirque,” in Permanence du Cirque


Alexander Calder, Statement, in 4 Masters Exhibition; Rodin, Brancusi, Gauguin, Calder


Selden Rodman, ed., “Alexander Calder,” in Conversations with Artists


Alexander Calder and Katharine Kuh, “Alexander Calder,” in The Artist’s Voice: Talks with Seventeen Artists


James Jones, “Letter Home,” in Esquire


Phoenix Art Gallery

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