Silla Con Un Brazo De Mas and Silla Con Pie Equino

Alonso Mateo
(Left) Silla con un Brazo de Mas
gilded wood and fabric
37 x 22.25 x 20″

(Right) Silla con un Pie Equino
gilded wood and fabric
32.25 x 14 x 20″
Each chair available separately

Silla con un Brazo de Mas and Silla con un Pie Equino by Alonso Mateo were on view July, 2019

For over a decade Alonso Mateo has focused his work on the analysis of the rites and symbols of power, the upper classes, aristocracy, and royalty. He is known among friends and colleagues as El Condo (the Count), a nickname given due to his appearance and manners that at times can be perceived as a perpetual complementary performance for his production of objects. Mateo’s gaze has examined and…

Silver Spectre by Cleve Gray

Cleve Gray
Silver Spectre
acrylic on canvas with aluminum paint
83.5 x 51.5 x 2.5”

Silver Spectre by Cleve Gray was on view June, 2019

Cleve Gray is associated with the famed Color Field painting movement and Lyrical Abstraction of the late 1940s and early 1950s, Cleve Gray’s luminous paintings are studies in expressive movement and the densely complicated spatial relationships between colors and shapes. With a background in French Modernism and working mostly in abstract compositions completed on a…

Wall Slab Pair - Jun Kaneko

Jun Kaneko
Wall Slabs Pair
74 x 22 x 4” (dimensions are for each piece)
glazed ceramics

Wall Slabs Pair by Jun Kaneko was on view May, 2019

A bold polka-dot motif provides a whimsical counterpoint to the dramatic physical presence of this rare, large-scale pair of ceramic sculptures by Japanese American artist Jun Kaneko. The polka-dot pattern is only one of several abstract surface motifs characteristic of the artist’s work. Kaneko, who originally trained as a painter in Japan before moving to the U.S., approaches the surfaces of his clay works the way a painter might consider…

Unique Pieces for April 2019

Alexander Calder
Flying Colors
23 x 33.25″ (37.25 x 48 x 1.5″ framed)
publisher: State Street, NY
edition 88 of 100

Flying Colors by Alexander Calder was on view April, 2019

This limited-edition print was designed by Alexander Calder, a name virtually synonymous with modern sculpture. Calder was the first to explore the potential of kinetic movement in the medium with his sculptures that range in scale from complex hanging mobiles to graceful freestanding works that engage and captivate viewers with their gravity-defying designs. Philadelphia-born Calder is primarily known for these sculptural works, and…

Unique Pieces of Art

Eric Orr
Night Shift
32.25 x 72 x 1.75″
mixed media
artist lead frame

Night Shift by Eric Orr was on view March, 2019

One of the key figures in the West Coast Light and Space movement of the 1960s, Eric Orr was a sculptor, installation artist, and painter. Heavily influenced by spiritual and phenomenological concerns, his work explores the boundaries between space and time as well as the physical properties of the natural world, specifically the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

Adopting a shamanistic approach to his own working process, Orr sought to push the limits of …

Art Museum Phoenix (Hawkinson)

Tim Hawkinson
60 x 107 x 1.75″
pastel on fabric (bathrobes) on wood panel with upholstery tacks

Lounge by Tim Hawkinson was on view January and February, 2019

Working largely with simplified, hybridized forms that derive from the artist’s complex relationship with his own physical body, Hawkinson explores themes of death and regeneration, utilizing irony, humor, and metaphor, while also examining the exacting precision of the natural world.

Marked by a keen and idiosyncratic wit and curiosity about the world around him, Hawkinson’s sculptural works examine the nature of …

Phoenix Art Gallery

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